~Genya's mission~

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{Genya's pov}

The bird flew around me, "kaw, kaw! Go South West, South West! People have been reported missing!"

"G..Genya? Please stay safe out there" Muichiro said looking at me worried

"Muichiro, are you worried about me? If that's true I promise I'll be safe. If it was a tough demon you would have to come aswell or at least a different hashira." I said reassuringly

"Okay, but still stay safe!" He replied watching me leave the butterfly mansion.

" I will don't worry" I said walking down the road following my slightly annoying crow. I have no idea what Muichiro is going to do now but the faster I go to the destination the faster I can go back to Muichiro. I walked swiftly to the town I think that's waht I heard my crow say.

"Are we there yet?" I asked my crow.

"Kaw, do you see a village" He crowed back.

"No..." I replied annoyed. I really need to finish this mission.

It felt like hours till i reached the town, it was nearly sun down so I don't have time to explore or rest I have to wait for the appearance of the demon. The houses look a tad rough around here like they have seen many storms usually houses look a bit sterdier than this.

"I'll be off. Kaw kaw!"

Usually my crow lurks around till my mission is done, he is hiding something from me. Something I won't like then I heard a familiar voice "Genya?"

I turned around to see my older brother. "OUT OF ALL PEOPLE IM STUCK WITH YOU." I snapped back. I guess you can say me and sanemi don't get on well.


"Just don't talk to me I won't talk to you We will get this mission done then I'm going back to my Muichiro" I said annoyed

"Your Muichiro?" He glared at me.

"Yeah Muichiro?" I was confused until I realised I said 'my Muichiro'. "Well he's not mine but I do want to get this mission done to see him."

"Does my little brother have a crush eh?" He chuckled


"There, there I won't say a word but you have to tell me why you like him". He said wanting to know everything.

"Fine I'll tell you everything after this demon is dead"

"Deal" He replied and then we both split up looking for this demon. I gathered its one of the 12 moons as a hashira is here. Now I know why my crow left, he knows how much me and Sanemi despise eachother.

I stayed quiet keeping my movement at a minimum, I want to find this demon but there Is now an issue my brother will find out I consume demons to have part of their abilities.


Omg this didn't take me long to make I just kept getting distracted and everything but im on the bus writing this now and since I wrote it on paper before I had to try read half my writing becuase I had shakey hands for a week and a half but I managed. The paper on the other hand is so close to tearing apart so I had no choice. Its Christmas in a few days and I'm doing a friendly bet on my yt channel against a friend, who ever gets 100subs first wins. He's in the lead now but I'll catch up hopefully anyways after Christmas I'll finish this fanfic then I'll do another one based on bungo stray dogs and then maybe I'll do a spy x family one once all of season 2 has been released and dubbed. Merry Christmas and Happy New year!!

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