~A Good Day~

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Credits to whoever drew the photo I got from pinterest ♡

{Genyas pov}

Muichiro fell asleep on me yesterday so I gave him my bed to sleep on while I slept in his. I woke up early and saw him still sleeping, he looked so peaceful in his sleep.

I can't leave him alone becuase he will panic if I'm gone and I can't bring him with me becuase he will wake up. So I'll wait for him to wake up before going to go get breakfast. Waiting to see Muichiro's live reaction to him in my bed would be funny.

Muichiro groans quietly while he started waking up. "Heh? This ain't my bed. Whaaa." He looked around panicking till he noticed me giggling slightly. "Genya did you let me sleep in your bed?"

I smiled softly, "Yeah I let you sleep in my bed."

"But why? It's your bed, you should sleep in it!" I said sounding worried

"Hey, hey calm down. I slept in your bed becuase you looked comfy sleeping in mine." He said while looking at me.

"Thank you." I said embarrassed. "Sorry for falling asleep in your bed Genya."

"It's okay like i said I let you sleep in it." He smiled softly

"But-" He was about to say more until I said "no buts, you looked peaceful sleeping anyways" I'm so glad he didn't realise what I had just said.

"But, Genya its your bed. Not mine." He said

"Muichiro, for the last time I said it is okay." I said managing to stay calm.

"Okay, I'm hungry" Muichiro said finally stopped talking about the bed incident.

"What do you prefer to eat? Mochi, rice balls, pancakes?" I asked as if I were used to it.

He sat there for a few minutes thinking. "Pancakes!" He said excitedly.

"Okay let's go get you some Pancakes." I said as I stood up and waited for Muichiro to follow.

Muichiro followed me to the cafeteria to get some breakfast. We sat down as Muichiro ate his Pancakes.

I just now realised how cute Muichiro looks when he's eating. I didn't realise I was staring at him till he finished eating. "Genya? Are you okay, you're staring at me." He said sounding confused

"Oh, uhm... sorry about that I didn't mean to creep you out." I said rubbing my neck in embarrassment while chuckling slighty.

{Credits to my friend who helped me earlier today in school make part of this becuase I went through a state of a brain fog who needed help with what to do next}

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