~inside the maze~

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Warning: language, thought of S.H.

{Genya's pov}

I was starting to feel exhausted and drowsy. I decided to sit down and rest a bit, it's not the best idea but I feel like passing out.

{Sanemi's pov}

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU, YOU STINKING WASTE OF TIME" I yelled out. Running around this fucking made, house thing. I can just cut myself to lure the demon but that won't do shit. My last mission was crap dealing with that boar head guy, like who just goes around making noise and destroying things. Then an idea popped into my head, what if I break through the walls? I mean they regenerate which will be annoying but the chances of finding that crappy demon will be higher. But it's a reckless and stupid un-hashira like plan. I ran through the maze for many hours until I crashed into a sleeping Genya. "WAKE UP BASTARD" I yelled.
Genya jolted awake and groaned, "what do you want?"
"You're on a mission no time for petty little naps." I snapped

{Genya's pov}

Crap I fell asleep on a mission. I was in a dangerous situation and I decided to sleep? I stood up and followed Nemi in finding the demon. I wonder what Muichiro is up to right now, I hope he's staying safe. I bit into the wall and regained a weakened version of the demons ability and strength. I destroyed the walls making a path to the middle. Sanemi was grinning, no idea why.
"Good job at destroying the walls for us," he said snarkly.
"Shut up, I'm doing this for my own sake. Not yours" I snapped st him
"I know that, just wanna see you pissed off!"
I ignored that asshole I don't need him to tell me what to do.

After a solid 20-25 minutes we stood upon a door. I can tell Sanemi had his guard up, so I had mine up aswell. The door swung open from my kick as we walked in to see the new lower moon 12.


Thank you all for reading my story so far it's really motivating me to carry on. Hope you all bad a great Christmas. Happy New year. I'll keep writing till this is finished!

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