~Lower Moon 7~

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{Muichiro pov}


Muichiro drew his sword and went into an attack. The demon jumped in the air dodging the swing. "Not so bad for a tiny looking human."

I looked up at the demon ready to either attack or dodge. I waited for a weak spot before going in for another attack, till I noticed my leg was bleeding slightly. I ignored the wound to battle the demon.

She giggled again. I don't know why she keeps giggling but it isn't right. I decided to use my breathing form as I whispered it "5th form: sea of clouds."

The demon looked around frantically watching me appear and disappear in the mist around her. She then noticed me, but it was too late her head had been chopped off. I looked down at her as she slowly faded away. "That was a quick fight." I stumbled slightly from my wounds and decided to make my way back to the place I remember staying at.

"Kaw, kaw. Muichiro I shall guide you back to the butterfly mansion. Wounds, wounds need healing fast." My crow said I named her Ginko.

I followed her swiftly back to the butterfly mansion she mentioned. It sounds familiar but I don't recall. The sun was rising when I made it back there Aoi took me in and took me tot he infirmary to clean my wounds and bandage them.

I took my top half off holding the rest of my uniform as she takes care of the wound on my back. In the corner of my eye I saw Genya wake up, his face went red at the sight of me with my top half off.

Once I was all bandaged up I got changed into some patient clothing and sat by Genya who's face returned back to normal.

He hugged me tightly, "you're okay!" He said sounding relieved

"Yeah? Why wouldn't I be?" I said confused

"You didn't tell me where you were going, I was worried sick about you Muichiro."

"Eh? Right, sorry" I rubbed my head as I yawn.

"Tired?" Genya said giggling.

I nodded slightly.

"You should sleep Muichiro, rest up you was awake all night fighting a demon and you need to recover from your wounds." He looked at me with the kindest of eyes it made me feel warm.

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