~The Demon Within Me~

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{Genya's pov}

I wandered around the town, it wasn't dark but it wasn't exactly bright out either. My brother being on this mission is what I'm most worried about, he could mistake me for a demon. I am not good with my senses but I can sense that the demon is watching me from somewhere, but where?

For the second time in my life I'm scared. I'm looking around constantly, until it hit me, the demon is not a real demon. But it is at the same time the. The demon has to be one of the village houses. This demon must be strong but I will defeat it for Muichiro, so I can be with him again. "Show yourself bastard!" I yelled out.

This is frustrating not knowing where the enemy is. I bet if Tanjiro was here instead of me the demon would of been located by now. I'm so fucking useless how can I become a hashira if I can't even find the demon. Suddenly I heard screams coming form one of the houses. I ran towards it as fast as I could, of course Nemi was there before me.

"Nemi! Do you know where the demon is? I asked

"Don't call me Nemi, that name is childish, and no I don't know where the demon is." He said in his usual moody tone.

"Do you think it's in this house somewhere?"

"Probably" He replied

"Nemi, I want to tell you something." I said in a serious tone

He noticed my change of tone and looked at me, "what is it?"

"I can consume demons to gain their strength for a bit"

"Alright, cool I guess. Let's find that demon for you then."

We both entered the house and went separate ways. This house looked very basic but it's the most suspicious one, due to the screams. 'What if I take a bite of the house' I thought out loud to my self. It was a stupid idea but it's worth a shot. With my katana I slashed part of the house and took a bite. I noticed the house regenerating, then 2 fangs grew in my mouth and I felt stronger. "Stop hiding you pussy!" I yelled out. The house shifted slightly and my excitement grew. I slashed the house trying to find out where it regenerates quicker. "Nemi! The demon is this house!" I yelled hoping the wind hahsira heard me.

"Okay!" I heard a distant yell. This house is small but sanime sounds like he's outside of the building. Infact when we first entered the house was the size of the butterfly mansion on the inside. Why didn't I notice that at first?

The walls began closing in on me and I had to attack. If I'm correct the demon will be at the center of the building. The walls twisted and turned, transforming into a maze. "Fuck!" I yelled annoyed, Sanemi is probably dealing with the same problem. I ran around the maze, I mean house. I don't know what to call this anymore it's confusing. But I ran around crashing into dead ends constantly. I turned a corner, then right. Then forward, right again. I couldn't think anymore I just walked. Soon I became dizzy and and my walking slowed. Left, no was it right? I can't remember. My legs were giving out and and my eyes were blurring. I really am useless. I can't rest though there's a demon I have to kill. 1 step, 2 step, 3 step, 4. The more I walked the more everything kept spinning. No I can't give up. I just had to keep going, left, then right. I stopped for a second. I thought the walls were closing in on me. To squash me again, but no. The feeling was getting the best of me. I had to get out. I kept going, I could barely see and my eyes were watering.


Gotta thank my sister and my friend for helping me with this chapter as I got annoyed when I couldn't think anymore.

9 days till Christmas!!!

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