~Genya's feelings~

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I was writing this chapter I'm school on a peice of paper all day so I had to copy what was written on to my phone on the bus way home becuase we ain't allowed on our phones in my school :3

Tw: swearing.


"Oh, uhm... sorry about that I didn't mean to creep you out." I said rubbing my neck in embarrassment while chuckling slighty.

{Genyas pov}

Aslong as Muichiro doesn't find out what I was thinking its all good. I mean look at him he's so innocent and adorable, his long multicoloured hair. His smile and teal blue eyes, his reaction to everything the way he sleeps and eats its all so admiring.

Am I inlove with him?

"Well... what do you want to do today?" I questioned breaking the silence.

"I don't know" He said looking at the floor.

Fuck, his voice was so adorable I want to hear it every day of my life. God I need to stop thinking about him but its so hard to when I'm always around him.

"Do you want to train, rest or?" I asked while looking at him.

"We can train." He said calmly.

I'm actually quiet glad he said that, not in a weird way of course I just want to show off infront of him. I carelessly took his hand and took him to the training court. Once we reached there my grip on his hand stayed.

'Genya, your holding my hand still.." I heard him say in a quiet tone. When I looked down at him I noticed him looking away covering his face with his free hand. I must admit it was adorable and cute.

I chuckled softly as I let go of his hand. "Sorry, I guess I got too excited to train."

Muichiro looked up at me and I noticed a faint blush that was once on his face. It made him look so cute, God I wish I could make him flustered and tease him some more. "So what type of training do you want to do?" I asked him after allowing him to calm down.

"The usually training I guess." He said still sound rather quiet.

"Okay, we can do the usual training then." I smiled sweetly at him as I started doing some warm up stretches. Soon after he joined aswell. We then started using a training dummy to practice our attacks

I noticed Muichiro kept glancing over at me, I tried not to smirk. "You like watching me, eh?" I chuckled softly looking over at Muichiro. Who covered his face instantly.

"N- no." He stuttered slightly, it was adorable seeing him like this.

"Are you lying?" I teased

"I eh what noo?" He said now looking away blushing like a tomato.

God I can't stop teasing him now.

"Hey, it's okay to admire and look at people." I said before bending down to whisper in his ear. "Especially if it's me" I then stood back up and smirked while looking down at the frozen boy.

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