~The date~

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{Muichiro's pov}

His lap is so comfy, I don't want to even move. How do I make myself stay on his lap longer?

"Muichiro, you can come off if you don't feel comfortable, I don't mind." He spoke softly.

I never spike but I clung onto him like a mother leaving their child for a while. But in this case I was the child and he was thr mother. My face was burried into his chest hiding my embarrassment. I can hear the pace in his heart quicken. "Genya your heart is beating really fast."

"I know, maybe it's beating this fast for you." He spoke. I swear he was flirting with me. I felt his arms wrapping around my waist, it startled me and I looked up at him. He leans down, capturing my lips into a kiss. I must admit his lips were soft and dreamy I wanted him to kiss me again but I was too embarrassed and lost for words. Genya seem to have noticed as he chuckled. "Ehh...uhh..."

{Genya's pov}

God he's so adorable. Wait, I just fucking kissed him, I mean I can just do it again but not out here and definitely not in my uniform.

"Hey, Muichiro do you want to go inside to hang out. I need to change out of my uniform first though."

He nodded, I assume he's thinking many things right now. I did kiss him without warning. I watched him stand up as I followed after him. We walked to the recovery room, where we were sleeping, as I changed out of this uniform into some better clothes. I then exited the room back to Muichiro.

"Want to go to a restaurant or a side food stall?" I asked

"L.. like a date?" He flushed red.

"Yeah. I guess so, so do you want to?" I scratched the back of my head now feeling rather shy.

We then headed towards the dirt road outside the butterfly mansion. We walked quite far till we reached the city but we didn't stop there we carried on walking far inside the city till we were upon a restaurant.

"A table for 2, please.." I said trying to be polite infront of Muichiro.

"Alright sirs, follow me to your table!" The waitress replied.

Muichiro sat across from me he seemed to be acting shy still. "Muichiro, what do you want to eat?" I asked

"Rice balls!" He said not seeming shy anymore, I know he's already forgotten about the kiss.

"Okay, I'll have some ramen."

The waitress took our orders and handed them to the person in the kitchen, he was at the till when we entered. A few minutes later she came out with Muichiro's rice balls and my ramen. She stayed for some reason and she seemed to be looking muichiro, watching him eat. Muichiro seemed to have noticed and looked up at her confused and mostly feeling uncomfortable.

I stared up at her, which made her uneasy as she apologised and left.

"We can go if you want to Muichiro." I said to him, I already had finished my ramen.

He nods as he ate his last rice ball. I paid at the till and we both exited the restaurant.


You know whats weird, this chapter being longer than the last one but the last one was the one I wrote most pages and words on.

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