Chapter 1

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I scratch at the itchy spot on my back between my brand new limbs.
I bet if people realized how painful and itchy sprouting wings would be, they would never wish they had them.
I let out a heavy sigh and looked up at the large white ceiling. I guess white is supposed to be a neutral color, is it supposed to calm people or make it easier for them to lose their minds?
My eyes glide back over to the far wall, near my bunk, recounting the deep scratches I've made to try and at least keep a sense of time.
Has it really been a month?
I cross my arms over my chest as the sinking feeling of loneliness and dread returns.
Will I ever return home?
My parents probably don't even realize I'm missing since I moved so far away from home. They might just believe that I have forgotten to contact them.
I bet no one knows I'm missing.
I bet-
I turn to look at the giant metal door that keeps me confined in this prison.
It sounded like someone unlocked it.
Should I...?
I turn to fully face the door as I begin to weigh the pros and cons of stepping out of the room. They could run up and hit me with those batons. They could drag me to the ground and beat me senseless.
But, I could also maybe get answers?

I slowly push the door open.
It had been a couple of hours since it was unlocked and not one guard came by. No one relocked the door. No one came to make sure I was in my cell, minding my business.
I had thought over all the possibilities and my curiosity had finally won me over. The door swings open into a hallway and I take a shaky step through the doorway. I glance down both ways, waiting for an alarm or something, but nothing happened.
The silence made my skin crawl.
I glance down both ways of the hallway.
Which way should I go?
They always dragged me to the right for more testing so then if I go left, I should find something new, right?
I shuffle my way out of the doorway and down the left side of the hallway.
The off white tile was cold against my bare feet, sending a shiver up my spine.
My wings tuck close to my body to regulate my body heat.

I wasn't sure how long I walked or how far I got, but the hallway finally led to a couple of doors that opened into a large cafeteria.
"It's huge..." My voice trembles.
I slowly step out into the open room and glance around. It was eerie seeing such a large room completely empty.
I turned around to look at where I had come from before jolting at a loud buzz echoing throughout the room. I jerk around to try and find a place to hide.
I hurried to a wall that jutted out and took cover.
I peek out and my eyes widen in shock.
Across the side that I had entered through, was another set of double doors, where groups of different people strolled in.
There are others here!!
Are they friendly?
Could they answer my questions?
I watch as the groups breakdown into smaller groups, all going to their respective seats.
If they already have groups within the group, they must've been here much longer than me.
"Long time no see!" A man in a blue shirt exclaims loudly as he pulls a man in a red shirt into a bone crushing hug.
"Easy Ty," the second man groans out, "You hug way too tight."
"Sorry about that Mark," the man known as Ty chuckles, letting his friend go. "Where's Bob and Wade?"
Mark gestures to the other side of the room to the kitchen, "Cooking duty."
"That sucks." Tyler huffs.
"Eh," Mark shrugs, "They make pretty good food."
Tyler sits down in the chair behind him and then props his legs up on the table, arms folded behind his head. I tilt my head more to get a better look at them.
Mark looked to be of Asian descent.
He had black hair and a bit of muscle.
It was hard to really get a gauge of this man when all I could see was his back.
Tyler, on the other hand, was facing me.
I could make out his brown curly mop poking out from under a grey beanie. He resembles a football player.
They started talking a bit more quietly so I was unable to make out any of the conversation.
I scan the room, taking in the different people that filled the chairs.
How many people are there?
How long has this place been doing this??

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