Chapter 7

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"Is something wrong, Ethan?" Jack taps my shoulder.
"I..." I wasn't sure what to say. I wasn't sure how I felt. I longed to see that Tyler was doing well for myself but for some reason I couldn't make myself step into the room. I swallow thickly and take a couple steps back as I try to figure out how to force myself into the room.
"You don't have to go in if you don't want to." Jack says and I shake my head, "No, I want to go in. I, just, maybe I'm scared?"
He reaches his hand forward, "I'll walk in with you."
I look at his hand and then the door.
"Okay," I take his hand and tense as he turns and walks into the room. My grip tightens the closer I got to the door, closing my eyes.
"Hey Eth,"
Tyler's voice makes me relax and I open my eyes to see that he was sitting up in bed. His forearm was wrapped in bandages.
"Tyler, I-" I start and he gives me a smile, "Don't apologize, I was just doing my job. You didn't leave me alone to be killed or anything like that. Stella's venom is not the type to kill."
"It's not?" I ask.
"Not at all." He answers and then pats a spot next to him on the bed. "If it makes you feel better, you can sit here."
I take the seat and take in the way he looks. He just looks a bit tired, almost as if he had been worn down over years.
I glance at his arm.
He bled for me.
He took on the injection of venom so I wouldn't have to.
"Ethan, I'm alright." Tyler's voice makes me realize that I was staring.
"Sorry," I rub my eyes a bit, "I've never had anyone protect me like that so I guess I don't really know how to react."
Tyler was quiet for a minute, letting out a soft breath, "Let your emotions go. Feel them as they come. Process it all. You don't have to act strong or put together for my sake."
His words strike a cord and the tears begin to flow. I try to wipe them away as quickly as I can. Tyler grabs one of my hands, "You can cry, it's not weak."
It's hard to see him through my tears but I just lean down to sob into the bed, not wanting to be seen as a complete mess. I can feel his warm hand begin to slowly comb through my hair in a calming motion, making me a little sleepy.
"And what of Stella?" I hear Tyler ask.
"Felix took care of her. From Ethan's recollection, Felix had returned soaked in blood." Jack mutters.
"Blood soaked." Tyler repeats, then I can hear a sigh through his nose, "Should we be concerned?"
"It's hard to tell but Mark believes it's necessary to begin preparations for a hard lockdown." Jack replies.
They must think I fell asleep.
"Hard? Its that bad?" Tyler shifts in the bed. His hand stops combing my hair for a few seconds before continuing.
"Andy was fond of Stella and Felix does not take declarations of war lightly, especially not involving Songbirds." I can hear Jack pace around the room, "And you aren't in top shape, what happened? Stella shouldn't have gotten through your skin."
I thought he was sick??
"I'm not sure, it's been happening a lot lately. I've asked Amy to run some tests but nothing has come back out of the ordinary. I'm not reverting back to human, in fact my DNA is pretty much the same since the first experiment on me. May suggests it has to do with the Lullaby, I have never been affected before but Ethan's ability works as intended." Tyler begins to explain.
I did this to him?
I weakened him??
"Makes sense." Jack huffs, "The Lullaby is made to soothe and calm those who hear it. Demons revert back to human form. It wouldn't be out of the ordinary that it keeps your stone body from reacting as quickly as it should. Speaking of, should we use it?"
"Put Ethan at risk?" Tyler asks.
"No, that's- I don't mean..."
Jack sounds frustrated, "I don't know. What else are we supposed to do? Have another incident?"
"I think we have trained everyone to be safe within the hard lockdown. You and Mark have worked on this for years for this type of situation." Tyler reassures.
"I'm worried." Jack whispers, the pain has returned to his voice.
"I'm so sorry Jack." Tyler also whispers, there's a pain in his voice as well.
"Tyler, I've told you before that you don't have to apologize. You were doing as commanded. It was us or them." Jack shifts, he must be pacing the room.
"I'd rather it be them." Tyler speaks, his voice now harsh. "They deserved everything they had coming to them."
There's a knock at the door and Jack goes to answer it, "Felix."
"Jack." I hear Felix.
Their greeting sounds stiff.
Like they would rather not be in the same room.
"I believe it is time to move you back to your side." Felix speaks, his voice firm.
"How much time do you think we have?" Jack asks.
"Probably not long. I already wasted a night on you." Felix all but hisses.
"Wasted-!" Jack starts but Tyler interjects, "We appreciate your hospitality and I appreciate your medical care."
Does Jack and Felix have bad blood?
"What is your plan?" Tyler keeps to the point.
"I'm anticipating Andy to blow his top." Felix huffs, "The child."
"You did kill Stella, he is quite fond of her." Jack points out.
"If he was so fond of her, why did he send her into my territory? Everyone knows I don't take declarations of war lightly." Felix shuts down Jack's argument, "You don't send those you love to fight your battles."
"Mark wasn't in his right mind!" Jack yells, he sounds heated.
"You're excusing him?" Felix asks.
Don't take the bait, Jack.
"No, I'm not excusing him!" Jack yelps, "It wasn't his fault!"
"Not his fault?" Felix again speaks, he knows this is a sore spot for Jack.
"Jack, calm down." Tyler tries to de-escalate the conversation.
"Calm down!?" Jack's voice sounds distorted, "Calm down!?"
"Yes, you're short circuiting the equipment." Tyler states bluntly.
Short circuiting??
I hear a bunch of heavy breathing and assume Jack is calming down.
"I'll leave Daisy to help you make your way back to your side. Be on guard." Felix says, he sounds more serious.
"We appreciate your help." Tyler shifts in the bed. I can feel him shift me around.
Better pretend to wake up, he doesn't need to waste his strength carrying me.
I groan and then sit up, stretching and giving a loud yawn, "Are we leaving?"
Tyler smiles softly and nods, "I didn't mean to wake you, I figured you didn't sleep well last night."
"It's okay, I feel a bit better after that power nap." I rub my eyes and then look over at Jack. He looks tense.
"Are you all ready to get going?" Daisy asks, stepping into the room as Felix makes his way out.
"Lead the way." Tyler speaks up.

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