Chapter 15

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"Here, we made steak for dinner." Wade sets the plate down in front of me.
It looks mouthwatering but my appetite has left. I let out a huff of air through my nose. I need to eat. Appetite or not.
"Ethan? What's wrong?" Wade takes a seat next to me. He looks genuinely concerned for me. I relax my shoulders and just lean against the table.
Tyler has decided to stay behind.
He wants to slow our attackers so the rest of us can escape.
"That sounds like Tyler." Wade replied.
But he could die! They could trap him or worse!
"Ethan, I understand that you are hurting but Tyler is allowed to make his own decision. Yes it is painful that he has decided to stay behind and sacrifice himself, but if he left with us then he would be subject to the horror of our deaths around him." Wade explains what Tyler had already said for himself. But what about the rest of us? Are we supposed to just accept his sacrifice?
Wade sits back in his seat and takes his time with his response, "Would you rather have Tyler leave with us and be struck with grief for the rest of his life or let him make his own path to ensure the rest of us safety and his peace of mind?"
I listen to his words and think about it.
It would be selfish of me to force Tyler to come with us. Is it wrong of me to wish to be selfish?
"No, it's not wrong. You are your own person. You are allowed to be upset with his decision especially with the tangled emotions of a Songbird and it may hurt you greatly." Wade shakes his head and then pushes the food to me.
"We don't know if Tyler will die. We cannot predict the future. For all we know we could all die."
"Wonderful words of encouragement." I make a face but begin to eat my dinner. I can do nothing to paralyze the pain that seems to squeeze my heart.
I want to be selfish.
"Ready for tomorrow?" Bob asks. He stands in front of the table.
"I guess, what's the plan?" I drink my water.
"We're splitting groups. Some of us will leave through the path Rose gives us. Some of us will use the underground tunnels that lead out of the basement. In case we don't go the same way, I just wanted to say that I enjoyed your friendship." Bob gives me a smile.
I enjoyed our friendship as well. You know as much as I hated being trapped and turned, I made friends and in a way I think I made a family. I will miss all of you.
"Hopefully sometime in the future, we'll see each other again." Bob then parts ways to continue saying his goodbyes.
Wade excuses himself, saying his own goodbyes.
I set down my glass and look to my empty plate.
Felix follows his daughter over.
I look up at the two, "Hailey, Felix."
"Are you ready?" Hailey asks.
"As I'll ever be." I reply.
"I wanted to thank you for being so stubborn." Felix grumbles, "You have changed so much in so little time."
"Which group are you leaving with?" Hailey glances around the room.
"I haven't decided yet." I admit.
"And Guardian?"
"He's staying behind." I break the truth to her.
"What? He's staying??" Hailey sounds heartbroken.
"Yeah, it's his decision. He just wants to make sure we can all leave."
"Staying?" Felix repeats before he makes a bit of a face. Are you angry? I can't tell if you are concerned or not.
Why must you have such a hard face to read? Felix stays silent as Hailey continues her goodbye with me before he excuses himself from us.
"I'm frightened." Hailey admits.
"Frightened?" I repeat.
"I have never seen the outside world, is it as terrible as some say?" She sits next to me.
"Well, yes and no." I answer honestly, "Some people are absolutely horrible but there is always good somewhere to balance it out. I have to say that you have a much better chance of making it out in the real world just based on your looks. All you have to do is keep your wings to yourself. Felix should be able to help you navigate." I explain.
The world was terrible and society was a horrible monster.
Escape is all we have or be used as weapons.
Escape or weapons.
To be shunned by society or to kill society.
"You'll be just fine." I pat Hailey's hand, trying to ease her nerves. She takes in a breath and then she gives me a nervous smile, "I trust you Ethan. You have done a lot for my Father and I wish there was some way to thank you."
"You don't have to thank me. Just live the best life you can." I smile back.

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