Chapter 41

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Tyler stood behind me while I opened the door. We decided to stop at my room to rest for the evening. Thank God Jack cleaned my room or else this would be the most embarrassing thing.
We shuffle into the room and I turn to close the door. Tyler removes his shirt, moving over towards the bed, "I'm guessing each room is exactly the same?"
"Yeah, it's no different than the room you're staying in." I answered him.
"That's good, means I don't have to worry about stumbling into something." He sets his shirt down on the ground, "Sometimes my vision becomes clear, but it doesn't last too long."
"I really am sorry about that." I rub my arm.
"That's alright, I can adjust." Tyler chuckles, he moves from the bed and back over to me, "It's only fair."
I want to argue with him but decide that I wouldn't get anywhere.
Tyler lifts my chin up, "Hey, don't worry about it, Love."
I can feel the blush paint my face and I shift to look away. Ah! He did it again!!
"Did that make you uncomfortable?" He asks.
"Uh- no, no!" I stammer then clear my throat, "...I really like it..." Is it hot in here or just me??? I feel like I'm burning up.
"That's good, when you looked away, I thought you didn't like being called that." He says.
"No, no, I really like it! It makes you seem more attractive-" I pause.
Eh? Brain! Where are you going with these thoughts!! At this point I felt that I could put tomatoes to shame. "Wait, I mean-" I didn't have any way to recover from that sentence.
"Oh really?" He asks, a smirk forming on his face, "Just Love or should I call you Babe? How about Sweetheart?"
I felt my heart pounding in my chest and I bet my face had turned several shades darker. I do my best impression of a fish out of water. My brain is unable to come up with any response.
He chuckles, "You're adorable." He turns away to head towards the bathroom.
Adorable? You think you can rile me up and just call me adorable?? Oh hell no.
I can hear the shower turn on and move over to the bathroom door, "A shower sounds like a great idea, mind if I join you?" I smirk as I can see his body stiffen. Haha, now it's your turn to be a blushing mess!
"Only if you want to Love," His reply is swift and I choke on air. Ah-! What! No, don't turn this on me!
He glances behind him, I can see the smirk on his face and I cross my arms.
Come on, brain, work faster than that!
"Actually I think I will join you." It's my turn to smirk at his reaction. He turns around to face me fully and then he walks over, placing his arms above his head to lean against the top of the doorframe, "Are you sure?"
I swallow thickly, "...uh." I try to be serious and keep eye contact but he towers over me and I can't help but to stare at his body, which he was displaying to me. Good Lord, he's hot.
I fiddle with my shirt a bit, unable to come up with an actual reply. He chuckles again, "Don't get so flustered, Love, I would never pressure you into anything." He let go of the doorframe and bent down to give my forehead a kiss, "Just that I'm a little better at teasing." The smirk returns to his face as he pulls away and the door closes between us.
This man! I stomp my foot like a child before stomping over to the bed and sit down as forcefully as I can. How dare he make such jokes! Leaving me in such a mess! I glared at the bathroom door. I huff a few times out of my nose before I start to deflate a bit. What was I expecting to happen?? I lay back on the bed and stare at the ceiling. It's waay too early in the relationship to even think that way. I'm blaming him and his stupidly hot body for these thoughts. It's his fault. I roll over and bury my face into the pillow. Just stop thinking about it. It's not that hard. I shift my head up and stare at the wall. I can't believe that it doesn't take much to make me a blushing mess. Me! I've been in relationships before! How come this one is so different? How is it possible that all he has to do is call me Love and I melt like a puddle!! And I really couldn't think of anything to come back with except to join him in the shower??? Really??? I glance back at the door. The image of Tyler towering over me so casually makes my heart race and I bite at my lower lip. He could dominate me so easily. Ah-! Stop that! I smack my forehead and then bury my face in the pillow again. I need to do something, get my mind out of the gutter. Maybe grab some food? Yeah, that sounds like a solid plan. I sit up and then head over to the bathroom door, knocking on it.
"I'm going to get a snack. Need anything?" I ask.
"I'm good."
"Okay, I'll be right back." I reply and then turn away from the bathroom and make my way to the bedroom door.

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