Chapter 6

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"You want to know more about secondary abilities?" Tyler moves the book down out of his face as I lean over the table in excitement, "Yeah!"
My voice echoed a little bit in the otherwise quiet library.
He raises a brow at me, "Sure are a curious thing, aren't you?"
"Are they limited to just one?" I ask.
He puts his bookmark in place and closes the book; slowly setting down on the table between us. He seemed to be pondering my question. "As far as I know, everyone has one secondary ability."
"So what about Mark?" I ask.
"What about him?" Tyler asks.
"I want to know what his secondary ability is." I explain and Tyler merely shrugs his shoulders, "It's not my place to tell."
I groan loudly, resting my head on the table, "Why does everything have to be a secret!" I was quite frustrated.
Tyler sits up straight, his eyes darting towards the end of the room. He grabs my wrist, "Whatever you do, don't speak." His voice is harsh through his gritted teeth.
"Wha-?" His hand is immediately over my mouth.
I squint in the direction of where he is staring but I can't see anything.
He stands silently and gestures for me to do the same.
I stand as silently as possible.
It made me nervous that I couldn't see what he could.
He moves behind me and then over to the aisles, glancing around. He waves me over to him and I hurry to get behind him. He leans back and in the softest whisper he tells me to follow him exactly. I nod in agreement.
Tyler stands straighter and starts for the exit.

Why are we being so quiet? I don't understand. What's chasing us?
I glance behind us to see if I can see anything and stumble into a bookshelf, "Oof."
Followed by a loud thump.
I looked in front of me to see a large book tumbled off the shelf I collided with and hit the carpeted floor.
"Get down!" Tyler yells, which startles me. I duck just as he flies over me, his forearm thrusts forward.
"Ah!" He cries out and I shakily look up to see a giant snake! Its fangs sank into Tyler's arm, which was dripping bright crimson blood!
"Get out of here, now, Ethan!" He interrupts me as he struggles to force the snake backwards. I scoot backwards; my mind screams to run but I can't seem to  make my body move.
"Ethan, go!" Tyler yells again. His other hand makes its way to the snake's upper mouth, trying to pry the fangs from his arm.
I thought he was made of stone?
He's supposed to be invincible to bodily harm!
"Give the Bird to me!" A hiss makes its way to my ears and I finally see the woman that the snake seems to be attached to? Is it a part of her body?? What's happening? Why does she want me??
"You'll have to kill me first!" Tyler growls back.
Kill him!?
I jolt as a hand touches mine and jerk around to see a man I didn't recognize. He holds up a finger to his mouth in a motion to keep me silent then gestures me to come with him.
He grabs a hold of my wrist and pulls me from my seated position, jerking me down an aisle, off towards the door.
"Whatever you do, don't speak. Winnie can sense others by the noise they make. Just follow me and I will lead you back to safety."
Another telepathic. Are you friends with Tyler?
"No, but Felix has given strict instructions to keep you decently unharmed."
Decently? Marvelous.
I roll my eyes as he opens the door and scoots out into the hallway before waving me to follow him.
I inch out in the hallway and then stand as he closes the door behind us.
"What about Tyler?" I ask.
"What about him?" He replies.
"We can't just leave him there by himself, he's hurt!" I was extremely worried.
"Look man, my job involves you and only you." He explains, "Tyler is not a priority."
"What!" I step back.
"Let's go!" He reaches forward but I pull my hand away, "You can't be serious!"
"What do you expect me to do?? I'm telepathic, I'm useless in a physical fight!" He tries again to grab my hand.
"I refuse!" I grab the door handle.
"That's suicide!" He grips my shirt.
"Let go! I'm not leaving Tyler!" I struggle to get him to let go of me.
"She'll eat you alive!" He jerks my shirt.
"Move." A different voice comes from behind both of us. We turn to see Felix.
He seems upset.
"Move." He growls again.
The telepathic man pulls me back out of the way of the door.
Felix places his hand on the door, "Take him to the room, and prepare medical."
"Sir." The man speaks as Felix makes his way into the library. The telepathic pulls me away with ease as now I am confused on how Felix knew what was happening and why he showed up.

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