Chapter 39

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My turn.
I sit down in the chair that sat in the middle of the empty interrogation room.
Separating the agents from me is a plate glass window and a small speaker.
"Can you hear me okay, Ethan?" I hear London's voice through the small speaker. It makes me think of a bank window.
"I can hear you." I reply.
"Okay, first of all we are going to do over basic questions and work our way towards the incident." She explains, "Are you ready?"
Like I have a choice. I roll my eyes.
"Question 1: What is your name?" She asks.
"Ethan Wright." I reply.
"Question 2: what is your age?"
"I just turned 26."
"Question 3: when were you kidnapped?"
"Mid June." I look up at the ceiling. The room had bright led lights and it was just slightly cold. Enough to make me annoyed.
"Question 4: what is the name of the other Songbirds?"
I look back at the window, "What does this have to do with anything??"
"Please just answer the question." She replies.
"Felix, Jack, Mark, and Andrew." I answer.
"Who is Andrew?" She asks.
"Andrew was the fifth Songbird. He was killed before we left the hospital." I answer.
"Did Travis kill him?" She asks.
"No, what importance does Andrew pose? He wasn't there for the incident. He's dead and that's all you should be concerned about." I grunt.
"His name comes up in the research as a head scientist." She says.
"He was, but he was convinced to be tested on and lost his mind." I cut to the chase. I can see her move around behind the glass. She seems to be writing down my words. I roll my eyes and look back at the ceiling.
"Okay, question 5: what is your relationship with the other Songbirds?"
"They are like family to me. Like older brothers I never had."
"Question 6: what is your relationship with the Guardian?"
My head snaps forward and I bare my teeth, "That is none of your business!"
"No, skip this one! I'm not answering it." I cross my arms.
She lets out a sigh, "Question 7: what do you last remember prior to the destruction of the city?"
I think about her question, "Tyler left to look for Travis. Jack and I were going to follow him but he told us to remain with the group..."

"Do you hear that??" Jack smacks his ear. He shakes his head like a dog that was suffering from a dog whistle.
I cover my ears, "It's so loud!"
~End Flashback~

"Question 8: what do you remember during the destruction of the city?"
I sit forward in the chair and stare down at my hands sitting in my lap, "I-I can't remember."
I can feel the sweat develop on my forehead and I frown. What am I lying for? I know I can remember something. I don't really want to speak about it though.
"Question 9: what did Travis send you to do?"
I start to rub my thumb over my other thumb as a movement of self soothing, " I have to answer?"
"Yes you do." She replies.
"I had to fight Tyler." I swallow thickly.
"You were instructed to fight the Guardian, why?" She asks.
"To send him a message." I answer.
"What kind of message?" She asks.
I close my eyes and grit my teeth. I take in a few breaths and then stand, "I don't want to answer anymore questions."
"We aren't done Ethan, I can't let you go just yet." She says.
"I said I'm done!" I kicked the chair towards the wall that had the window.
"Ethan, I need you to calm down or we will have to calm you down." She speaks calmly.
"Is that a threat?" I rush to the window, "Who the fuck do you think you are controlling us like this! Claiming to be on our side and yet you throw us into our own locked rooms and threaten us once we step outside!"
"Ethan." She warns.
"Ethan!! Ethan!! Please! Fight back! Fight the control!" Amy's voice rings through my head and I jerk away from the window, "I tried!" I screech, bringing my fists down against the wall in front of me. It shakes violently and I hear something ping in the distance.
What was that??
I tilt my head slightly and frown.
"Tried what?" I hear London's voice.
"Huh?" I turn back to the window and squint in the extremely bright lights.
"You just screamed that you tried." She replies.
"... it's nothing..." I mumble and stare down at my feet.
"Once you see Tyler, it's on sight. Tear him apart." Travis' voice whispers and I growl, "Shut up." I crouch and cover my ears, hoping to block out that venomous voice and the haunting flashes that came with it.
"Get up." His voice demands.

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