Chapter 25

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"The women can help care for Asher until you are able to take over." Amy says as we make our way back to our group. "I understand that you and the leaders are planning to completely finish what has been started."
"What?" Rose asks, "I didn't hear anything about this."
"It's been decided that we are going to take our fight to the very person who started this entire operation." I begin to fill Rose in, "After getting the rest of you to safety, we are going to track them down and make them pay for what they did and completely wipe our existence off the grid."
"Is that safe?" Rose asks.
"Is it smart?" Travis follows up.
"Probably not." I admit, "But it's already been agreed upon."
"If you are certain..." Rose mutters, he seems worried. I move over and pat his shoulder, "Don't worry about it Rose. We'll take care of it." I give him a smile and I can feel his body shudder.
He doesn't say anything else as he walks ahead of the group but then he stops in his track and glances around, "Wait a second, something feels off."
"What do you mean?" Travis questions.
"The electricity in the air is off. Something is coming and fast!" He hurries towards the group.
We race after him.

It looks pretty peaceful when we return. Wade walks over to us with a plan of where we should head next and he pauses his sentence when he catches the wave of nerves from Rose, "Something wrong?"
"Something is heading our way, I don't know what it is but it's disturbing the electricity in the air." He looks around at the sky as if trying to pinpoint the issue.
"We should get everyone out of here just in case." Wade agrees as we have no reason not to believe that we are being hunted down. I thought we made it away without being found out but maybe we missed something.
Wade, Amy, and Rose head off to gather the people. Travis huffs softly, muttering faintly, "Already?"
I didn't have time to think about what he said as I hurried off to find the others.
Felix was the first I came across.
He is trying to meditate.
He turns his head in my direction, "I'm busy."
"It's urgent. Rose thinks that something is coming this way and we have agreed to move everyone as soon as possible. I have a feeling that someth-"
There was a loud crack followed by the ground shaking beneath our feet. I stumble and fall to my knees, "What!"
"Tyler!" A shout draws our attention back to the mountain side. Tyler crumbled against the ground and he looked like he had just been in a fight.
He shakes his head, dazed.
"Tyler-?" His name barely makes it out of my mouth before he dodges a steel spike thrown his way. He stands, jerking the spike from the mountain side behind him. There's blood that drips from his nose and he wipes it away. I can't make out the look on his face but it unsettles me greatly. I turn to look where he's glaring, and there out of the woods, walks a woman. She also looks like she has been in a fight. She's a bit shorter than Tyler and has more robotic-like movement. She's holding a steel spike in her hand, "You're not very impressive, I don't know why the Boss thinks you're a threat."
He didn't speak. He rolls the steel slightly in his hand and then shifts his stance. The woman raises a brow, "You still want to fight me after what I just put you through? That's cute." She laughs loudly, placing a hand on her stomach as she nearly loses her balance.
She's cocky...and why is she wearing all black? Who is she??
"Can't read her mind, she's unpredictable. We need to get away while Tyler keeps her distracted!" Bob urges. I get back to my feet. Felix's hand makes contact with my shoulder and I glance back at him, "We should fight too."
He stands, "I have to agree." He's wings are already prepped for flight. Again, if we weren't in such a hard place, I would have admired their beauty. Felix grumbles under his breath and takes a few steps forward when something collides with him and the roll a few feet away from us.
He rests a hand on the tree next to him, spitting on the ground and glaring back at whatever hit him. There, a couple of feet away, is another woman. She has the demon wings! She looks annoyed, "No interference."
Who is this? Is she with the other lady?
"I can take care of myself." The first woman huffs.
"I don't care, Cecilia. Orders are orders." The second woman replies.
"Quit playing games with them and get it over with." A third woman shows, she, too, has demon wings.
"A little fun never hurt anyone." Cecilia grins, "The cat and mouse game is always exciting! Especially when they panic."
Tyler thrusts the steel spike in Cecilia's direction, "Lay one finger on them and it'll be the last thing you do." His voice is gravelly, sending chills down my spine. There's a look in his eye, one I am not familiar with.
"Oh, no, what ever shall I do?" She mocks him and then giggles, "I'm not afraid of you. You are much weaker than me. I am made of steel, you are nothing but castle stone. I could crumble you with my bare hands."
Her threats fall on deaf ears as he tightens his grip on the spike, rushing her. They collide with enough force to kill an average person. I rush towards them when the third lady moves in my way, "Not so fast."
I duck to avoid her fist but her knee catches my stomach as she slams her leg into my abdomen. I stumble back and bend down to my knee, clutching my stomach, taking in a shaky breath.
"Cecilia is right, you don't seem very impressive." Her voice is monotoned.
A sudden kick to her face, slinging her backwards. Jack lands in front of me, "Who the fuck are they??"
"They just randomly showed up!" Felix growls. He's in a standoff against the second woman that had slammed him into the tree. I cough then stand up, "We need to get them away from the group."
"Agreed." Jack mutters, he cracks his neck. He takes over my fight as I rush back to the medical ward, "Mark!"
Mark was sitting up in his bed. He couldn't join the fight as he wasn't completely healed.
"What is happening??" He demands.
"Can you teleport other people?"
"Yes, why?"
"Great!" I hurry over and wrap his arm around my shoulders, "Okay, I need you to work with me, we don't have a lot of time!" He nods his head and leans his body weight against me as I swing him as carefully, but swiftly, out of bed. I hobbled him over to the entrance, "Okay, I need you to teleport us." I gesture to us fighting the women.
I lean him against the wall and he takes in a heavy breath, "There's only one place I can think of."
"It doesn't matter, as long as it's away from here!" I hurry to join the fight.
I can hear Mark grunt behind us before there's a sudden portal underneath me and I fall through.

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