Chapter 36

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"If he takes them to the city..." Hailey walks over between Jack and I, "The townsfolk will be in danger. And Tyler is our only Guardian."
I ball my fists and start after Tyler, "Hailey's right. We can't just sit idly by."
"Do you have a plan?" Jack hurries after me.
"No, but I'm sure we'll come up with something." I answer as I try to catch Tyler. His longer legs make his strides faster. The ground continues to rumble with each step he takes. He stumbles slightly and then pauses his steps.
"I said don't follow me."
"We can't just let you go by yourself. What if something happens? You need some kind of backup." I say.
"And what are you going to do when he takes control of you too?" He asks.
"Tyler, I can't just stand here and do nothing while he has Mark and Felix!" Jack states, his voice quivers.
"And when he controls you?" He repeats, the stone under his skin begins to ripple a bit as it starts to rise to the surface; covering his body.
We were both silent. We didn't have an answer. He turns back to us, almost unrecognizable. The spikes that I saw during the fight with Andrew, take their rightful place upon his body.
"You need to stay here. Not only for the safety of everyone, but for your own safety. It's for the best."
"But Tyler-"
The ground rumbles beneath us and then spikes shoot up in front of us. Jack jerks me backwards and I trip over something, knocking us both to the ground. Tyler steps forward, "I'll bring them back. I promise. Guard the others, and help tend to the wounded. Amy needs all the help she can get."
He turns away from us and disappears from sight due to the giant spikes.
"...Ethan, can you get off of me?"
"Right, sorry!" I roll off of Jack and struggle to stand. Jack stands and makes his way to the spikes and then smacks one lightly with his fist, "He's gone. We'll never find them without his ability."
I finally make it to my feet and then stumble over to the spikes and look between them to see that Jack was right. Tyler had vanished. I grip the stone and let out a hesitating breath.
What if he kills you? What am I supposed to do then??
"I don't know what to do now." Jack turns back to the group and crosses his arms over his chest. He also lets out a hesitating breath. He tilts his head and then glances at me, "Do you hear something??"
I try to keep as silent as I can while I try to listen for what he is talking about. "...yes?" I turn around to face him fully. "What is it???"
He jerks back towards the group and then shakes his head as if he is trying to wave away annoying insects. "It's irritating!" He covers one ear and lets out a grunting sound. The sound begins to worm its way into my brain and I grit my teeth, shaking my head in the same manner that Jack just did, "It's so loud!"
I cover my ears. Why can I still hear it??
Jack stumbles forward, letting out a hiss and then a yowling sound escapes him. The sound makes the group freeze and they all jerk in our direction.
"It's so loud!" Jack howls, now covering both of his ears, "Make it stop!!"
He drops to his knees and hunches over, his body twitching a bit as another yowl escapes him. I shake my head again, letting out my own howl, trying to drown out the sound. Jack stands, fully transformed. He lets out a huff. He glances back in my direction. His green glowing eyes were nowhere to be seen; they were greyed out. The horns that grew from his skull look strange to me.
The noise suddenly stops and I have this strange feeling washed over me completely. I can feel my body transform against my will. My wings stretch out as far as they can manage.
Bring me Amy.
It's the single thought in my brain. I tilt my head and then meet Jack's gaze. He gives me a smirk and I nod my head in agreement before we race off towards the remaining group. Jack teleports behind Amy and grips her arm, jerking her up to her feet, "Get up!" He growls.
I land in front of her and grab her neck, "You'll be wise to follow us."
Her eyes dart to me, fear begins to seep into them.
"Amy!" Hailey grabs my arm and I jerk my head to her, snarling. I fling my arm to rid myself of her weak grip, "Don't touch me, vile creature."
She falls back to the ground from the force I use. She looks up at me and there's a deep sadness in her eyes.
Suddenly Jack goes soaring passed my head and into a nearby tree. He falls to the ground, a pained whine leaves his lips.
"Amy! Hang on!" Wade's voice comes from behind us. I jerk my head around towards the man running straight at me. I bare my teeth and tighten my grip on Amy's throat. Her hands immediately grip my arm, her nails sink into my skin as she tries to break my vice grip.
"Take another step and I'll snap her pretty little neck." The words that leave my mouth surprise even me. What is wrong with me?? Why can I not control my actions!?
Wade slows his run and then he stops. He's glaring at me, anger couldn't even describe what was written in his face. It was a emotion I had never seen him wear before.
"Let her go Ethan, we can figure this out." He starts gruffly. My wings tense behind me and then I let out a guffaw.
Jack appears in front of Wade and swings his leg straight for his face. Both of us reel back slightly with shock on how Wade blocks Jack's attack. He grips Jack's leg and, using Jack's force against him, throws the demon back behind him. Jack collides with the ground and then skids a few feet. He catches himself with his claws, digging them deep into the soft earth beneath us. He bares his teeth at Wade's back, "You're just making it worse for everyone if you keep us from taking the doctor!"
Wade glances back at Jack, "You'll have to kill me first."
Kill him?? No! Absolutely not!
Jack grins, licking his lips slightly, tensing his shoulders, "Your wish is my command."
Jack! Stop! Jack!! Wade!! He's not himself!! WADE!!
I couldn't feel the normal presence that the telepaths usually gave off when they entered one's mind. He didn't even move to acknowledge he could hear me. Am I blocked from him?? I glance at Bob in the distance. Bob! BOB!!
Again, nothing. Fuck!
Jack tenses his body before his pounces forward at Wade. His claws just barely tear through Wade's shoulder as he dodges the attack.
"Ah-!" Wade clasps his good hand over his bleeding shoulder and then glares at Jack, who landed in front of him. Jack stands and shifts his legs, almost like he's toying with his prey. Wade holds out his other hand and swings it away from him. Jack goes flying off into the distant forest! Wade charges straight at me. No! Wade, don't! I don't want to hurt you! My body tenses and I snarl out a warning at the charging man, but he doesn't stop. Please! Don't!! Don't hurt him!! My wings pump as if to finally heed my call and I take to the skies, still holding Amy by her throat. "I told you to stop, apparently you don't care for the woman as much as you say." I hold her up eye level with me and grin. Her legs kick around fruitlessly as she gasps for air, "E-ethan-! Please! Don't do this!" Her words shoot a pang through my heart and a low rumble vibrates through my chest.
"Fight it Ethan! Fight the c-control!" She coughs out. Her grips tighten on my arm. She digs her nails deeper and deeper into my tar skin, yet I can't feel it. The layer of protection is stronger than her grip strength.
Kill her.
My eyes widen at the thought in my head. No! No! I refuse!! I won't do it!
You don't have a choice in the matter, kill her now.
My arm begins to shake as I try to fight against the overwhelming urge to crush her throat. Please! Don't make me!
I said KILL HER!
My other hand wraps around her throat and I begin to squeeze tighter. Amy's eyes widen as she continues to fight me, her fingers, now, trying to pry mine away from her throat. She begins to wheeze, "It's o-okay, Ethan." Her movements were beginning to slow down and life started to fade from her eyes. Forgive me Amy! I'm so sorry!!
Her eyes roll in the back of her head and then she completely falls limp. I drop her to the ground. The air stills around me. I take in a shaky breath and then let out a loud wailing cry. NO! NO! AMY!!!! NO, I'M SO SORRY!!!
Quit your annoying sniveling this instance!
When I get my hands on you, you're finished!!
My control is unbreakable. I designed you to be weapons of mass destruction and that is what I intend to use you for.
Why are you doing this!? What do you expect to gain from destroying everything!
Simple, power. I have no other reason. I have no sad story. No one broke my heart, no one beat me as a child, I just desire power to be in control of the whole world and the only way to gain that is by showing the world that I am a force to be reckoned with.
You're mad!
Absolutely insane, Ethan. Now both you and Jack are to join my side.
I promise you, even if it kills me, I will destroy you!!!
Come to me now.
And just like that, against our will, we abandoned our family, racing off into the forest.

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