Chapter 3

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I flop back on my pillow and let out a loud sigh.
The analog clock hanging above the doorway read that it was 3:30 in the morning. Sleep would not greet me no matter how many times I closed my eyes.
I'm so bored.
I tap my finger on my bed before I sit back up, a bit slowly. I have to find something to do, maybe get a drink of water. I throw my blankets off of me and tilt my head as I assess my body.
I was wearing nothing but a pair of boxes. My abdomen was wrapped tightly in bandages. Where are my clothes? I look around but I don't see any nearby and just let out a huff of air.
"Whatever." I move my legs over the side of the bed and ease myself into a standing position. I tense for any pain.
Interesting, I must be on some pretty good medicine.
I start towards the door, keeping my pace slower than my normal walk.

"Hello?" I called out.
Silence, other than the hum of electricity.
Where is everyone? Didn't Amy say that there was supposed to be a night staff?
I make my way over to the cabinet and search around until I find a glass and then fill it with the tap water.
"Aren't you supposed to be in bed?"
I jump at the voice and turn to see Tyler. He was leaning his left shoulder against the wall.
"I-I, uh...I was thirsty." I held up the glass to show him, "And I can't find anyone."
He takes in a breath but doesn't speak.
I fiddle with the edge of my boxers, unsure on what to do now.
"Oh, uh- thank you."
His eyes meet mine for a moment and then he pushes himself off of the wall and makes his way over to me.
"...for saving me!" I hurry to fill the silence with some kind of sound.
I take a step back as he reaches forward and then over me to grab his own glass.
He moves with such confidence but silence.
"...I take it you're not much of a conversationist." I move out of his way.
He shrugs his bulky shoulders before taking a sip of the cool water.
I tilt my head as I take in his body.
Some parts of his skin were patchy, some grey stones stick through. It reminded me of the type of stone that old castles were built with.
"Most of us have been here for over ten years." Tyler's voice once again reverberates deep within my chest. His eyes don't move from their spot on the counter. He takes in a deep breath and lets it go.
"Ten years." I repeat.
He nods and then turns to me.
Our eyes meet.
Deep within his blue grey eyes, he looks broken. As if he was a shell of the man he once was.
I'm overwhelmed by a sense of melancholy. I take in a shaky breath, wiping away the tears that slipped down my face. I fight the urge to bring him into a tight hug.
"Excuse me, sorry," I wiped my eyes.
"You don't have to apologize." He breaks the eye contact and sets his empty glass in the sink. "Would you like to borrow some clothes?"
His question reminds me that I am only wearing a pair of boxers and I blush, "Ah-! Yes please!" My wings immediately cover me.
"Follow me." He turns away and starts down the hallway.

"Well my clothes won't fit you but they should work until we get you your own." Tyler speaks softly, handing me a large sweater. "I apologize but my room is kept at a cold temperature, it keeps my body from expanding in the heat."
"You don't have to apologize, I understand." I take the sweater and quickly put on the large piece of clothing. "Oh-" I shift uncomfortable as my wings are now pinned against my back. Tyler glances over before he grabs something from his drawer, "Turn around."
I obliged.
"Now don't move, I won't hurt you." His words make me tense. I close my eyes, wondering if I had walked myself into some kind of trap. The sound of the ripping fabric meets my ears.
"There, try that." He speaks.
I shift a bit and guide my wings through the makeshift wing holes.
I face him, "You didn't have to do that."
He shrugs again, "Better than you being uncomfortable." He hands me a pair of leggings and some socks, "Jack left these so they'll probably fit better than mine."
After I'm dressed, there's a knock on the door. Tyler scoots pass me and opened the door.
"Ty, there you are!" The voice sounds like Mark and he seems upset.
"Amy came by, the night staff is missing and so is Ethan!"
"Ethan is here with me," Tyler points his thumb back to me and I wave at Mark, whose head pops up over Tyler's shoulder. "Also I don't think the night staff is missing, it's Sunday night." Tyler shifts to the side so Mark and I can see each other.
"Sunday?" I ask.
"Already?" Mark furrows his brows.
"Yeah." Tyler nods.
"Uh, excuse me, what does it being Sunday have to do with a bunch of people missing?" I ask.
Mark crosses his arms and lets out a heavy breath, "We'll explain in due time."
I nibble on my bottom lip; it makes me nervous that they won't explain to me what's happening. I have so many questions but Amy said that they won't tell me until I'm a bit more healthy.
Mark opens his mouth to speak but is interrupted by a gurgle sound.
Both men turn back to look at me and I blush, "I'm sorry! I-I didn't get a chance to eat anything..." I cast my gaze to the ground embarrassed that my stomach made such a loud noise.
Mark lets out a loud and hearty laugh.
"Why didn't you say anything while we were by the sink?" Tyler turns to face me.
"I didn't think about it, I guess." I shrug my shoulders.
"Don't worry, it's about dinner time." Mark replies, "Come on, we can all wait together." He gestures for both of us to follow him.

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