Chapter 9

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I glance down at the blueprint, "According to this, it should be right around this corner." I roll the paper back up and then make my way around the corner.
This hallway was dark and extremely cold.
I rub my arms, "Why is it so cold?"
I glance around, "And how am I supposed to see anything??"
I started searching the wall for a light switch.
I don't find one.
I roll my eyes, annoyed.

"Okay, let's try this again."
I left to get a flashlight and warmer clothes. I turn the flashlight on and the hallway lights up.
"Looks empty..."
I finally make it all the way to the end of the hallway and stop the dead end.
I press against the wall and notice that it had never been properly fixed.
"With enough force, I should be able to push through."
I began to push against the wall with my shoulder, surprised when it gave away with little to no effort.
I step through.
On the other side of the wall is a room.
"What's this?"
I shine the flashlight around to take in the surroundings.
It's an office.
"Did I read the blueprint wrong?"
This definitely wasn't the spot from Felix's memory.
I make my way forward to the desk that sat in front of me. There was a thin layer of dust covering everything.
"No one's been here in years..."
I reach forward and pull open a drawer.
There was a journal.
"What's this?"
I pull it out and squint in my little light to read what the first page says.
"The day is October 1st and after years of working here, I have finally decided to step forward as a volunteer for research purposes. It has taken five years to perfect the formula to change one's DNA..."
I skip down to the bottom, seeing Andy's signature.
"He was a scientist!?"
I skip through the pages.
"...I transformed into something I never thought our formula was capable of..."
I skip through more pages.
" they brought in another subject. His name is Felix. He said he was visiting his friends..."
I skipped the last entry.
"...they all have to pay for turning me into this stupid creature! They've taken away everything I have ever worked for! They took credit for my work! I'm just another subject to these people! These people that I have worked with for over 15 years!-"
"What do you think you're doing, Bird?" Andy's voice comes from behind me and I freeze, too frightened to move.
"I asked you a question." His voice makes goosebumps creep up my spine.
"I uh..." I stammer as I slowly turn to face him.
He glares at me.
I wasn't sure what to tell him.
He makes his way into the room and towards me.
I back up until my back makes contact with the desk.
Shit, I'm trapped!
He moves until he is in my personal space, his hot breath beating against my face, "Give me a good reason why I shouldn't kill you right here."
My mind blanks.
I have no excuse.
He caught me digging through his personal stuff.
"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?"
I try to lean away from his hand as he reaches for my face, "Your skin is smooth." His hand begins to travel down my neck, "Are you a virgin? Have you ever had a partner?"
"Those are personal-"
I try to suck a breath through my teeth after his hand squeezes my throat tight.
"I don't care if they are personal questions, you were reading something personal that belongs to me." He growls out, "I can still kill you."
I tried to pry his hand from around my throat as I was struggling to remain conscious.
"Actually, I have a better idea." He grins and then turns to leave the room, tugging me by my throat.
I couldn't fight against the lack of oxygen and lost consciousness.

When I came to, Andy was sitting in front of me. He had one leg crossed over the other one and one arm wrapped around the back of his chair. He looked quite relaxed; a smug smirk on his face.
"Ah, the sleeping Beauty awakes."
"What the-?" I stumble back and my arms are jerked forward. I looked up to see that I was chained to the ceiling.
"Scream all you want to, this room is soundproof." He shifts in his seat.
"What do you want from me??" I tense.
"I can't let snooping go unpunished. And save the monologue about your friends coming to save you once they know you're missing, I already have a plan in place for that." Andy gestures to the door and a young woman walks in.
She's quite robust.
She sports a pixie haircut and a mask covers her lower face. Her green eyes remind me of Felix.
"Meet Trixie, the reason why your friends won't bother looking for you." Andy smirks again, "Trixie, if you please."
She says nothing as she steps forward and touches my chest.
I watch in utter horror as she transforms into me. Wings and all.
"Perfect, now just recon and keep them off the trail." Andy sits forward.
"Yes sir."
My eyes widen.
It was surreal hearing my voice come from her.
She gives me a small wave before exiting the room.
"And the game just got harder." Andy stands, "So, for now, why don't you think about what you've done."
"Why are you doing this!?" I ask.
"Wouldn't you like to know." He retorts before exiting the room, leaving me by myself.

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