Chapter 33

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Tyler stands up and carefully grabs hold of my arms, pulling me to my feet, "Is it alright if I hug you?"
I can feel the heat continue to flush my face but I nod, leaning against him in a comfortable hug. The room had fallen into a blissful silence. And the smell of the stew was slowly overtaken by the earthy scent of his body wash. I rest my head against his chest. I close my eyes as his heart begins to lull me into a sense of peace. At first, there's a soft thud, barely audible, like a gentle tap against the chest. Then, as I focus more intently, I can feel the rhythm building, like the slow, steady drumming of raindrops on a roof. The worry that had twisted my stomach, the guilt that muddled my brain and the anxiety that pounded in my chest melts away completely.
"What happens now?" His voice rumbles lowly through his chest.
"Now?" I hum in thought, moving back to look up at him, "Anything you want. I understand that this is all new to you and we can move at whatever pace you feel comfortable with."
"It's up to me? Are you certain?" He questions. I nod my head, "I am certain."
He pulls me back into the hug, "I like this." His arms rest comfortably against my lower back, he leaned slightly to keep the pressure off of my bum leg. My arms were wrapped as far around his waist as they would go and I began to slowly move my hands up his back, feeling each and every muscle and every bone of his spine. He bends down a bit and I can feel his chin resting on the top of my head, "I never realized that you smelled like vanilla."
"I do?" I sniff my arm. I couldn't smell it and I don't recall having any body wash that had vanilla in it. He chuckles a little bit, "Yeah, you do. I really like vanilla."
Both of our stomachs growl and we both laugh.
"We should probably finish dinner." I say. He moves me back out of the hug and down into my awaiting chair. He moves back over to his side of the table and we continue dinner.

I roll over in bed and kick off the blanket. It's unbelievably hot and sticky in this room. Why don't we have air conditioning?? I couldn't get comfortable enough to sleep, which I guess just meant that I wasn't subjected to my nightmares. I glance over at Tyler, and there he is just snoring away like it was any other day.
How in the hell can you sleep in this weather??? I sit up and shift to lean over him. His body is also covered in sweat like mine, but it doesn't seem to bother him at all. This is so unfair.
You know what? If I can't sleep, then you shouldn't be able to either.
I poke his back.
No reaction.
I frowned a bit and then poked him a little bit more, "Ty?" My voice came out in a hushed whisper. Why am I being quiet? I'm trying to wake him.
This time instead of poking, I placed my hand on his arm, "Ty-" Suddenly my senses were flooded with overwhelming emotions. They were so tangled, I couldn't decipher any of them. He jolts up from his position and hunches over, panting heavily through his nose. His body quakes as he swallows thickly. My hand was still resting on his arm, "Tyler?"
He remains still, his breaths still labored.
"Are you alright?"
He glances at me out of the corner of his eye but doesn't make a move.
I move to sit in front of him, carefully brushing his hair back out of his face. His eyes dart back and forth, like his scanning the surrounding area for something.
"What happened?"
His gaze then shoots up and locks with mine. His pupils are dilated and I'm drawn deeply into the fear that was displayed before me. He shifts forwards and jerks me into a hug, still his body shakes. I patted his back lightly, trying to understand what made him jolt up out of bed. Slowly, he lowers us back down onto the bed, I'm awkwardly perched on top of him.
"Ty?" I try to sit up and move back to my side of the bed but he holds me firmly in place. He rolls over onto his left side, burying his face into the crook of my neck. His hot breath beats against my sweaty skin. One of his hands moves up and begins to tangle his fingers into my hair. I'm firmly pressed against his body. Still, I get nothing but confusing emotions from him.
"Was it a nightmare?" I utter.
I can hear his teeth clatter together as he tries to muster through his uncontrollable shaking, "I-I don't know, I d-don't think I could call it s-simply a nightmare."
"I'm sorry." I wrap my arms around him, doing my best to comfort him. I carefully rub his back, humming the familiar tune of the Lullaby.
Eventually his body quit shaking and I could hear a soft snore make its way out of him. I smile softly and just close my eyes, Even if I can't sleep, at least he can. I have to remember to ask the others about the Lullaby, I never bothered to wonder if we, as the demons, can still use it. Felix would know, but I bother him a lot. Maybe I should ask Mark and Jack?

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