Chapter 19

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More men ran on stage and jerked Jack away from Mark. He tries to fight them but clearly he's distraught by what just happened. One pulls him back slightly as the rest hurry to get Mark medical treatment. They can't allow him to die or else they lose an insane amount of money. They wheel him off stage and out of sight.
"Anyways, back to the show: Subject 03 is priced at $100,000..."
I tune out the man and look down at Jack. He's staring the way Mark went.
The man stood next to him and placed a hand upon his shoulder, leaning forward to whisper something to him.
That's a little strange.
"It's Trixie, Ethan. Don't worry about Mark, we got the healers in the back."
Bob! What are you doing here!
I look around, trying to locate him.
"Did you really think we were going to leave you guys trapped here?" Bob questions. I can't see him anywhere.
Where are you??
"Don't worry about where I am. Rose has taken care of the song over the speakers. Wade is working on freeing Tyler and he's sending the keys to your cages. Stacy and Reed are going through the audience and removing the guns from their security guards that are spread throughout the crowd. As you have said before whatever happens after freeing everyone, is up to you." Bob explains. A key floats its way to the lock on my cage door and opens it.
I smile, Thanks Wade.
Felix doesn't waste a second as he jumps down to the stage and lets out his own screech. The crowd reels back slightly but not in much fear as they assume it's a part of the show.
Felix grumbles, gesturing to Jack and myself to join him. Jack takes his moment. His screech is more sad and desperate. I jump down but move over to Tyler as Wade manages to unlock the cuffs upon his arms.
"Ty, you alright?"
His eyes look dull once they make contact with mine. I wave a hand in front of his face but he barely reacts.
Still nothing from him.
"I'll take him." Wade makes his way over to my side. "Who knows what they've done to him." He grabs Tyler by his arm and moves him from his spot. The giant stumbles slightly before Wade steadies him. Wade pulls his hand away from Tyler's back and we both reel at the sight of blood.
"No wonder he's not present." Wade says, "They must've been showing off his strength and pain tolerance."
The sight makes me angry.
"I'm taking him out of here." Wade shuffles a bit and shifts Tyler's arm over his shoulder, "You be careful." He begins to hobble Tyler backstage.
"Okay, everyone has been released. We are taking Tyler and Mark back to the mountains. Whatever happens here is up to you three." Bob states and then I feel his presence leave my mind.
I make my way back towards the front of the stage, I willingly allow the transformation to take over my body.
It feels so freeing each time.
Felix and Jack turn slightly to see me join them and they smirk at me.
I return the smirk, "Shall we?"
Jack immediately grabs hold of the man who had the microphone and then teleports elsewhere. Felix takes flight, hovering over the audience, "Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to your final hour. You have been a part of this whole situation, that have changed millions of lives against their will to better yourselves and weapons for your government. I'm proud to announce that we will not allow this to happen."
I follow Felix up in the air, "These people aren't worth the time to torture, they only aided money wise."
"You're right, we have more important people to worry about." Felix nods his head, "I'll allow you this time to burn them all, but do not expect me to do this again."
"Okay?" I wasn't sure what he was talking about but allowed him to do it regardless. Felix shifts his arms in a wide circle, his hands glowing in a beautiful electric blue, "I command the hands of time to freeze within this building."
He brings his hands back towards his body and then thrusts them upwards, "I will you ten minutes." The electric blue shoots to the ceiling and then spreads throughout the walls of the room.
Felix turns to me, "Time is frozen here. Get whatever information you wish but once the time is up, they can move freely. Maybe killing them before then would be best."
"I didn't know that you could freeze time." I look around in awe.
"I don't mess with time much anymore." Felix sighs softly. His sharp eyes glow as his ability is in effect. "I learned that lesson years ago." He crosses his arms over his chest, his wings pump ever so steadily to keep him in place. I kept a mental note to ask him about his ability later before looking down at the crowd still in shock at what was happening. Obviously the time freeze keeps them in their seats.
I move closer, "This will be brief..."

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