Chapter 14

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"Okay, what exactly is going on here?" Wade asks. He was having help from Bob and the two other telepaths to spread the conversation to everyone without speaking aloud.
Tyler gave me a lot of important information. We need to leave now, the government is going to sell us all!
"How does he know of this?" Felix frowns. I don't know, he wouldn't answer any more of my questions. But I believe he is telling the truth.
"That's a lot to keep from us. We've been friends for years, I don't understand why he would wait this long to tell anyone anything." Mark expresses his confusion.
There must be a reason. Tyler expressed that he wished to have been able to leave and to help you all escape, something must be keeping him here. They might have leverage over him in some way. You all said that Tyler was originally made for the scientists, that none of you knew of him until the incident.
"But does that really give him the right to keep this information from us? We helped him when the scientists threw him away!" Felix makes an angry face. He seems like he wanted to hunt Tyler down and beat the answers out of him.
"Felix, calm down. Now is not the time to be angry. We have more important matters to be worried about. We have to find a way to get all of us out of here before this sell by date arrives. Which, we don't even know what it is. After getting everyone to safety, then we can confront Tyler." Jack speaks immediately to keep the Sweden on track.
"Escape now? Are we even ready??" Angie brings up a valid concern.
"I don't think we have a choice. We are just going to have to bypass our original plan." Mark rubs the back of his neck and then continues, "Rose, can you overload the circuit? We just need enough time to get everyone through the doors to avoid the shock collars."
"I was wondering when you'd ask." Rose chuckles as he rubs his hands together. I made a slight face at his reaction before remembering that Rose was one of the people that had been kept under lock and key just like Hailey, which explains why the others believed there was no one with electrical abilities. He actually looked the part.
His hair was constantly in a spikey updo and he wore clothes that he painted to have lighting bolts on them. Maybe it was the only thing that kept him sort of sane while he was hidden by Tyler's secret. Speaking of Tyler, I hope everything is alright with him.
"World domination?" Trixie asks, "That is very specific."
That's just what he told me. And he has the ability to block telepaths from his mind, so trying to get anymore information from him is going to be impossible.
"Actually it's not really impossible, we just prefer to let people have their privacy." Bob explains.
So you can hear everything?? All thoughts??
"We've learned to stay out of people's heads. And only listen when invited in but we can absolutely tear down your walls built to keep us out." He continues, which the crowd seems to agree with the shiver that moves down my spine.
"Then why don't we tear through Tyler's mind? Find out answers." Felix huffs.
"Well Ethan has never lied to us before and like Jack stated earlier, now is not the time." Mark steps in, "If we have limited time, we should make our move at night. No sunlight to track us by. We will have to spread out. Those of us who look most human, you all will have to just blend in in any town or city you come across. The rest of us will just have to bail to a mountain or something away from the government's eyes. We don't know how long this split will happen but we must work together now and pray we find each other in the future."
"Tonight will be our last night together. After this, it's everyone on their own." Felix confirms Mark's words, which makes the crowd mutter among themselves. It was something that had been discussed but originally frowned upon. The crowd slowly disperses after the conversation.
"Come on Dad, let's see if we can gather things to change into weapons." Hailey drags Felix away before he could start complaining about the new plan.
Mark watches them leave as Jack walks over to me, placing his hands up on my shoulders, "Maybe you should let him know of our decision. I don't know what he is planning, but Tyler has always been loyal to us. He's always been there for everyone. If his hand is being forced then he must feel absolutely terrible."
"Yeah, I can let him know." I agree with him. I leave them to discuss things further amongst themselves.

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