Chapter 38

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I followed the group led by the male agent. We walked to the elevator and stepped on. I squeezed in next to Felix and watched as we headed to the 3rd floor. The elevator ride felt long. Everyone was quiet. I rub my hands together as they begin to feel clammy and I swallow, a dry feeling in the back of my throat. The elevator comes to a stop and it dings. The door opens and the agent steps off. We file out and down another hallway we go.
This floor looked similar to the one we were just on. Nothing stood out except that it was a bit cold. I rub my bare arms to regulate my body heat. I felt so cold without my wings to offer any warmth.
We walk down until we stop at an open door. The agent pauses and knocks on the doorframe, "Pardon the intrusion, but I have brought the others."
"Come in, come in." A slightly chipper voice speaks. Maybe another doctor? Or a nurse? Hailey steps into the room first followed by Rose and Felix. Wade and Bob step in next. I stood outside the room. I stare at the door and shuffle awkwardly. This seems familiar. Standing outside Tyler's door and too scared to step inside. Except, except this is for a completely different reason.
I let out a heavy sigh. The agent stands quietly next to me. He glances at me but doesn't speak.
"...I thought you said Ethan was awake?" I could hear him ask about me.
"Yeah, he-? Why are you standing in the hallway??" Rose turns and leans over to peer out the open door.
I hear the bed creak.
"Wait-! Don't get up!" The nurse? says.
The group shuffles to the side until Tyler towers in the doorway. He's bandaged around his midsection. His hair was cut kind of short, and his face.
I step back, reeling at the sight.
Claw marks. Straight diagonally down his eyes. Flashes of our fight dance in front of my eyes and I stumble backwards until I hit the wall behind me. I shake my head.
"Ethan! Ethan!! Wake up!! I don't want to hurt you!!"
I wince and cover my ears. Please, not here, make it stop!
I take in a short breath and look back at Tyler. He hadn't moved. He just watched quietly.
"...did..." I swallow and my mouth dries again. I try to wet my lips but it doesn't help, "...were you forced to do it?" My voice felt so loud to me. Tyler shifts in the doorway to lean against the open frame. He lets out a sigh from his nose and then tussles what's left of his hair.
The silence felt like it was beginning to choke me.
Suddenly the silence is blasted away by my heart pounding heavily in my chest. The shaking returns at full force. Monster. Monster! He crippled me!
I slide against the wall, trying to scoot as far away from Tyler as I can get.
"Wait, let me explain." He reaches out to me and I drop to the ground, letting out a scream.
"Forgive me, Ethan!"
Again, he reaches behind me, and with one swift movement, my beautiful wings are laying down on the ground next to us. The pain. Oh, the pain!
I shift around until I get to a corner and race down it. Get away, get away! He'll kill you! Don't drop your guard!
The corner had led into a dead end.
Get away, get away!!
I clash through the window at the dead end.
Wait! I can't fly-!
I scream as I try to shift around in the air to grab back at the broken window frame, but I miss it. Fuck! I scramble in the air helplessly. ...maybe it'll kill me...
I hear the snap of wings and jerk to a stop in the air suddenly. I open my eyes to see Felix! He grabbed my arm and I dangled awkwardly. He immediately lands us out on the hot asphalt beneath us before I hug him tightly. I can't get any words out from how hard I start to sob. He pulls me flush against his body and shifts his wings to shield me from any prying eyes. He rocks slightly from side to side, "Sh, sh, it's alright."
I grip his shirt, "I-I thought-"
"You don't have to explain yourself." He cuts me off, "Take a few breaths, try to calm yourself."
"Oh my God-! Ethan, are you okay!?" Hailey calls from the window I smashed.
I feel Felix shifts his body. He must've turned to look back at her.
"Would you like to go back inside?" He asks softly. I shake my head no. The building was so claustrophobic. Felix moves his arms against my lower back and picks me up with ease. He keeps me flush against his body and carefully moves us out of the open and to a nearby sapling. He sets me down and then sits next to me. I lean against his shoulder and he just stares ahead.
It feels so peaceful, for all of two seconds. It didn't take long for a whole bunch of agents to come rushing out into the parking lot and surround us. Agent London was in the front of the group.
"I have to advise you to return inside." She speaks.
"And you brought an army of armed men for this sentence?" Felix huffs.
"...I don't want to return." I mumble.
"I think we are going to stay right here." Felix states.
"You need to return inside." London repeats herself.
"Why?" He asks, "It's not a big deal."
"It's not safe out here." London answers him quickly, "Any prying eyes could send information to the government looking for you if you are outside. Please, return inside."
"No." Felix stands up, "We will return on our own time." His wings flare behind him to give himself a much bigger appearance.
"You need to be concerned for your well-being. Your friends too." London says, "I don't want to have to force you back inside but trust me, it's for your own good."
"I'd be careful with threats." He growls at her.
"Please, Felix, trust me. It is not safe out here." She pleads.
"And I told you no. We will return inside when we are good and ready." He replies, his eyes begin to glow a bit brighter. London looks like she is battling with herself over this argument. She shakes her head, "I cannot agree to those terms. I need you both to return inside."
Felix chuckles, "What is this? A standoff? It's not like we are going to run away. Just to sit in the sun for a few minutes and we will return."
The men that had followed London outside cock whatever weapons they were carrying. My head snaps up and I shuffle slightly behind Felix, "What the hell?"
"What? You going to shoot us?" His demeanor shifts from the lighthearted banter to straight ice.
"They're tasers." London replies.
Felix glances down at me. I'm still shaking, I wipe my eyes, trying to gather myself. He lets out a heavy sigh and then pushes his hair back out of his face, a smirk drawn on his face. His skin changes to the black tar-like substance, "I've been waiting for this moment."
"It doesn't have to be this way, Felix, we are trying to help you and your family." London says as she, again, urges us to return to the building. Felix stands up and shifts his shoulders, a snarl leaks out of his mouth, "My family doesn't need help from another corporation. They are the ones that ruined it to begin with."
"...oh, yes, you must be speaking of Maria." She speaks.
Felix's demeanor changes. That name has so much power over him. He makes a bit of a fist, digging a claw deep into his own palm, "Don't speak her name."
London is quiet. From the look on her face, I could tell she was trying to determine her next move. Felix's wings shift ever so slightly and he leans forward. I jump forward and snatch the back of his shirt, "Wait-!" My voice squeaks out. He stops. His ears are pinned back against his head.
"...think about Hailey." I whisper, "She's still inside. If they are truly a threat, she is in danger."
He snorts but backs up as I tug his shirt. He turns and then he wraps an arm around my waist. He turns his head back to London. He doesn't speak but she seems to understand his glare. His wings thrust and pump, sending us up into the air. He carries me back to the window, where Bob eases me back inside. He moves me out of the way of the window and then steadies me.
Hailey rushes over to me, gripping my arms, "Ethan, what were you thinking??? You jumped! You could've been hurt or worse-!" She jerks me into a hug, "Are you insane!" Her arms collide with my upper back. I wince and shove her back, "Get off of me!" The pain flares and nearly collapse to the floor.
"Are you insane??" I hiss at her.
She gasps, "Oh my God! I'm so sorry! I forgot-!"
"Well quit it! I don't need your help! I don't need your concern!!" I shout.
I felt sticky and hot. I take in labored breaths, "...just leave me alone..." I stumble past them. I turn the corner and collide with someone. I step back to see Tyler. I step back further and bare my teeth at him.
"Ethan," His voice is tender.
"What!" I snap.
"Please, just let me explain-" He starts.
"No! I don't want to hear it! I can't believe you did this! I can't believe you of all people committed such a sin!" I spit.
"No!" I shout, the tears start.
"Please, just let me speak." He begs.
I stare at him, "...I don't want to hear your excuses. I thought you loved me."
"I do love you!" He defends.
"A loved one wouldn't maim me!" I glared at him before turning away. He reaches for me and I smack his hand away, "Don't you dare touch me!"
"...Ethan..." He tries.
"You broke me. I am half of what I used to be. If I ever see you again, it'll be too soon. Consider this over." I turn away and continue down the hallway.
I bite my lip. Stay strong, do not break. He broke you. It's only fair to leave his heart on the ground.
Once in the elevator and the door shuts behind me, I collapse. It felt like I was shot in the chest. The air was so hot. Everything blurred together. Did I really lose him? I gave my heart to him and he returned the favor by tearing off my wings? Who does that willingly?

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