Chapter 28

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She stammers for words in her angered state. Dad just stares at his feet. He knew this argument was a long time coming. She takes a few heavy breaths, "Let's just go home and put it all behind us." She was speaking through her gritted teeth.
"I told you no. Dad is welcome to stay here or if he goes home with you, he is welcome back here. But you are not welcome here ever again." I state.
"You can't ban your own mother!" She turns away from me and grabs her purse, "Let's go Marvin, I'm done with this conversation." Dad shuffles awkwardly towards the door as Mother makes her way back over to me and grips my wrist, "Now we are going home!"
"Let go of me!"
She doesn't listen and turns away from me and heads towards the door. I stumble after her, my bum leg hurts as she jerks me along, "Let go!"
"We are going home!" She repeats as she literally drags me down the hallway, through what looks to be a living room, and out into the outside world. The sunlight hurts my eyes and I feel disoriented, "Let go of me!!" I struggle against her vice grip upon my wrist.
"Quit being so difficult." She growls as she turns around to face me. Instantly I'm teleported back to the first time she said these words to me. I was six. It had only been a few weeks after my mother had passed away. My stepmother was angry that I was avoiding her and her group of friends that she had invited over. She dragged me into the kitchen with the exact same vice grip and growled those exact words. It terrified me back then, but now it only enraged me. I jerked against her hold, "Let me go."
"We're going home!" She wasn't listening and it fed my rage.
"I said let go of me!" All I could hear was my heartbeat pounding in my ears.
"Quit this." She narrowed her eyes.
"ENOUGH!" I feel my wings break through the skin on my back. Her grip is released and she stumbles backwards with a very audible gasp.
"I'm not going home with you ever!" I hiss. I feel my tail lash out in my anger.
" it's true, you are a demon." Her face had drained all the color.
"Get out of here and don't ever return. As far as everyone is concerned, I'm dead." I glare at her. She grabs her purse and makes her way away from me. "Marvin, let's go."
Dad looks between the two of us. He swallows thickly, but gives me a look of sadness. "I still have to take care of your younger siblings, I can't stay but I wish I could tell you that I love you, Son." Bob or Wade must've shared his thoughts with me as he quickly follows after my stepmother like a kicked puppy. I watch them leave before I collapse. Tyler catches me before I hit the ground.
"Are you alright?"
I don't bother to say anything. So much just happened in such a small amount of time. Tyler carefully picks me back up and his calm aura relaxes me. The wings and tail retreat back into my body.
"I shouldn't have left you alone but I didn't think your parents were violent." Tyler apologizes and I shake my head, "Don't worry about it." He takes me back into the little house that I had been dragged out of. Tyler sits me on the couch at my request. I didn't feel like going back to that room. He stands off to the side, "Do you want me to get you a new bowl of broth?"
I sigh softly and nod my head. I hadn't realized in my haste to get up, I had spilled my food and drinks all over the bedroom floor. Tyler moves almost silently out of the room and over to the kitchen. I place my hands over my face before raking them through my hair, "I cannot believe the audacity of that bitch. Who the hell does she think she is? Coming here, dragging my poor father along, and demanding I return home with her?"
"Your mother?" Tyler questions as he makes his way over and I lean back against the couch cushion. I scoff, "She wishes. My poor mother passed away when I was a young boy."
"I'm sorry to hear that." Tyler sets the bowl down on the coffee table, "Careful, it's hot."
I lean my head back to stare up at the white ceiling, "I was told my whole life that my mother loved me dearly, all the way up to her death. I didn't know until after she passed that my birth is what weakened her. It was a tough birth."
I jerk my head slightly to rid myself of the sudden memories that bubble to the surface, "Ugh. It's so bright in here." I cover my eyes with my hand. There was a click and I moved my hand to see that Tyler had turned off all the lights that were on. He was silent. Offering me an ear to tell the memories, to tell the grief that I never really got a chance to process. "...she was the most beautiful person I ever had the pleasure of knowing. Not just in her looks, but in her daily life. Never in my life had I ever seen a tear or a frown. She was always smiling. I wish you could have met her, I think you two would have really gotten along." I wiped away the tears before they could slide down my face.
"You think so?" He whispers.
"Yeah, I really believe so." I whisper before picking up my bowl to begin to eat my dinner. It was hot but I felt so cold. The hollow feeling in my chest aches as I think over the argument between my stepmother and me. I think over the memory it had brought up. Six years old. Dead mother and a brat of a stepmother. She always gripped me in that vice grip and then would dress me in those stupid clothes just to show off to her wealthy friends and family; especially her father.
I wonder if anyone is caring for Mother's grave? I wish I could see her. I wish I could take her flowers and let her know that her son is alright.
"Would you like me to find Amy so we can check your leg? It must've hurt when she dragged you." Tyler's deep voice is tender. It doesn't shatter my thoughts but gently cradles them.
He nods and gracefully leaves.
How is such a large man so quiet? How is he so peaceful? He carries himself with such force, yet he always keeps his power away. He had the ability to intimidate anyone but chooses not to. He's graceful.
My saddened thoughts are now overwhelmed with thoughts of Tyler and just how he carries my heart. I feel bittersweet between the thoughts of my passed mother and the possibility of a relationship with my friend. I shift to lay on the couch, propping my bum leg. I'm exhausted. I cover my eyes with the crook of my elbow. As much as I wished sleep would greet me, sleep wasn't ready to.

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