"It's a twin thing"

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TW: small amount of self harm

"WHICH ONE?" LIBBY holds up box of cereal in front of Robin

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"WHICH ONE?" LIBBY holds up box of cereal in front of Robin.

"Are you gonna tell me what happened yesterday?" Robin asks with raised eyebrows concerned for the bellbottom wearing girl.

"So....honey combs?" Libby puts the box off cereal in the cart." because I would like the Cheerios, but- omg do you wanna know what Steve told me?"

Robin stands there unimpressed.

"He told me, honey combs and cheerios are the same thing. Like? What do you mean?" Libby grabs a pack of yahoo. "I mean there both good...I guess but come on... They don't taste the same-"

"Libby!" Robin yells getting looks from the other people in the store. " your stalling... That's not gonna work, Specifically with me."

Libby pauses.

Libby thinks.

Libby stares.

At Robin.

Libby sees Robins pretty face. That pretty face that was covered in 'tell me the truth'.

Libby pauses

Libby thinks

Libby tries not to cry.

Tries not to break, tries not show tears to the girl that gave her warmth like the beaming sun in the summer sky.

Libby pauses

Libby thinks

Libby lies

"I'm fine."


Dustin kicks open the door to were Eddie is hiding.

"Jesus..." Eddie jumps back.

"Delivery service." Dustin smiles holding some bags from the super market.

Eddie exhales slouching over as Steve gives him a wave.

"Do you like honey combs?" Libby asks Eddie throwing him a cereal.

"Sure." Eddie shrugs instantly going to inhale the box.

"I also have a question." Libby walks up to the curly haired boy. "Do Cheerios and honeycombs taste the same?"

Eddie stops eating and slowly looks up the girl. Confused with how talkative Libby is. Well, she really didn't talk at all yesterday night.

"Libby! When will you let that go?" Steve groans.

"Uh, yeah, anyway, we got some good news, and some bad news." Dustin stops the adults from talking. "how do you prefer it?"

"Bad news first, always."

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