Happy together

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TW: the last chapter


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Or that's what Robin thought until she felt the slightest grip on her fingers. saw the slightest twitch in her eyes. Heard the slightest breath coming out of Libby's tired lungs.

Libby Wheeler was alive.

Steve picked up Libby, knowing the longer the wait, the shorter the number of breaths Libby had to breathe. And right now, Libby is alive. The group ran back to Eddie's trailer, only to find a crying Dustin with Eddie's body in his hands.

They got through the gate and immediately went to the hospital. The nurses and doctors already had many, many adults, teens, and kids injured from the gates opening. But when they saw the state Libby was in, they instantly decided to help.

They said she would survive. She had lost lots of blood; the girl passed out from blood loss. Robin thinks it was the impact of the earthquake; she blamed herself for falling with the injured girl in her arms. The doctors said that from the way her breathing was slow and her pale face, the girl looked dead. If Robin didn't tie the shirt tight enough, if Nancy didn't help the girl get up fast enough, and if Steve didn't bring Libby to the hospital the time he did, Libby might of well have been.



Two days later, Libby was awake. She could talk, walk with crutches, and eat...a bit.

The doctors still didn't let her leave until she fully recovered. Sadly, Libby couldn't walk on her own. They said she could choose between a wheelchair or crutches. She chose crutches. Libby didn't want to sit around all day. And besides, it's just easier to get around without a big, stupid chair in the way. Her mom was happy with her choice, not wanting to pay for the wheelchair.

Speaking of Karen Wheeler,

"Hey, Nance! I found some more of your old stuff in the attic." Libby heard what her mom said.

Her mom visited her in the hospital very day. She was worried sick. But sadly, she doesn't know the truth about why her daughter was in the hospital. They made up the lie that a piece of debrie got suck in her stomach from the earthquake. Ruining her perfect, pained skin. Ruining the perfect eyes of Medusa.

Nancy grabbed the box from her mom. Karen looked over at Libby, seeing her smiling while sitting on the open truck. Holding hands with Robin Buckley. Her mom smiles back at her happy daughter with someone she loves. Soon, a vehicle comes into the driveway. "Someone order a pizza?"

"Pizza?" Dustin asks, looking over to the pizza truck. The door revealed Will, El, Jonathan, Mike, and some guy with very long hair.

Libby sighs, wanting to jump off the car and run to her brother and give him a big hug. But she couldn't. Luckily, her mom did that to him anyway.

"Okay, Beth, I got some bad news." Steve looks away from Nancy and Jonathan, who are hugging. "You're going to have to get off the trunk."

Libby groans as she slowly gets off the trunk, obviously getting help from the one and only Robin Buckley. "Thanks." Libby flinches and grabs her stomach.

Robin's face dropped in worry. "Shit, are you okay?" Libby just nods for a response. "I don't know why the doctors let you out so early; you are clearly not healed, and they are doctors; they went to school for this kind of injury. Why would they do this? It's unbelievable, to be honest." Libby puts her hand over Robin's mouth to shut her up.

"I'm okay, Robin." Libby smiles, looking up at the shocked robin. "But I'm going to fall any second; hand me my crutch?"

"Oh! Yeah," she quickly gives Libby her one crutch so she wouldn't lead or put weight on her wound.

Libby finally made it over to Mike, and she gave him a side hug. "Hey, mike."

"God, what happened to you this time?"

"Don't worry about it." She smiles.

Will then asks where Lucas was. "Oh, he's at the hospital." Dustin answered.

"Was he hurt?" El question.

Dustin looked between the two. "No. No, he's..." Dustin realized something. "Oh god. You don't know."

El, Mike, and Will, and Jonathan and Nancy also decided to go with the four to the hospital to visit Max. Who was in a coma from getting attacked by Venca.

The rest went to Hawkins High; we're going to give the donations to the people in need. Steve opens the trunk as Robin and Dustin grab the boxes. Libby wanted to help but was banned from holding anything; she couldn't really with the crutch and all.

As the four walk into the gym, which is now a makeshift hospital, They see babies, missing teen posters, and elders. More and more people until they get to the donation table. "Hi."

"Hi," the nice lady says.

"Uh, so these are blankets and sheets. And some...some clothes and some kids toys." Robin smiles.

"Wow. It's already so organized. We appreciate that. Do you want a tax receipt for it?" The lady says,.

"Uh...Robin looks over to Libby, who shakes her head. "No. I don't think that we need one. Thank you, though. But is there anything else that we can do to help?"

The lady smiles and nods her head.


They put Steve in the clothes section as Robin and Libby were "both" making PB&Js. "Why'd they give me this job? I can't do anything." Libby frowns.

"Well, uh, you could do me a favor and pass me the jelly." Robin kindly smiles at the girl.

"No problem." Libby grabs the jelly with her right hand. "Their you are my lady, the very almost empty jelly."

"Oh! Fantastic." Robin sarcastically says.

"I found another jar of peanut butter, and it's crunchy." The two heard Vicky walk in from the back room. "Oh! Robin, Hi.." she smiles.

"Hi." Robin nods. Libby was looking at Robin's face. It was like Robin saw a friend. A friend.

"You guys making PB&Js?" Vicky walks over. "Sorry to interrupt."

"Oh, no, you're fine; Robin needs all the help she can get." Libby laughs. Moving her crutch so it was more comfortable.

"Good! Good!" Vicky starts to spread out the peanut butter. "I like your outfit." Vicky looks over to Libby's multi-color striped turtleneck with a Jean skirt and small, chunky Doc Martins.
(Sorry if it's too pacific; I have a vision, you know.)

Libby smiled brightly. "Thank you; I love your hair; it's so pretty."

Vicky laughs, but her smile falls when she sees the jelly is all gone. "I'll be right back; thy jelly is empty." Vicky quickly walks into the back room.

One Libby was sure Vicky couldn't hear them; she spoke. "She's mine now."

"Oh, is she?" Robin says, chuckling, still looking down at her sandwich.

Libby nods and looks around, seeing everyone worrying about others and their own lives. Not caring about two girls standing oddly close together. Libby quickly grabs Robin's suspenders and pulls her in, giving her a very small quick peck, almost missing Robin's lips.

"Libby!" Robin smiles with wide eyes as she looks around, but ends up just looking at Libby. Looking at the girl she loves and adores.

"What no one saw," Libby shrugs, smiling just as big.

And yes, Libby was right; no one saw them... Except for Steve Harrington. He was smiling at the two, shaking his head like he was the one who made them kiss.


Libby and Robin were laughing and smiling. They were both happy. They were both happy together.

Then all of a sudden, people started to walk towards the windows. Out of curiosity, Robin and Libby walked up to the window. Meeting Steve and Vicky on the way.

They look out the window, only to see dust. The same dust Libby had seen in the Upside Down.
But only...in Hawkins. Something was wrong. Something wasn't right.

"Holy shi-"


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The end...

Or is it?

What am I gonna write now... : (

Goodbye rocketship (Robin Buckley x OC) Where stories live. Discover now