Chapter 1

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I looked at him, my lifeline, trying not to cry but I soon gave up and let soft, warm tears trickle down my hot cheeks.

As he looked at me with such sincere eyes, he put his hand on my cheek to wipe away my tears and make circles with his thumb to calm me down.

"Don't cry my love" He said, but I saw a tear run down his cheek at that exact moment. He softly smiled at me and let out a heavy sigh. "This is for the best."

I looked at him, unsure if I should just leave and run at first, but I decided against it and quickly wiped my tears, smiling at him. "I'm sure now. I'm ready."

Flashback: Five years before that.

Screaming, crying and loud banging on doors could be heard as Jungwon put his hands over his ears, trying to block out everything. "You useless Brat! You open this door right now, or I'll come in by force!" He heard a manly, deep voice say from the other side of the door.

His father was drunk again. Jungwon knew that his dad would probably beat him up and that's why he immediately locked himself in his room when he smelt the faint smell of alcohol on his father.

"Dad! Please! You're scaring me!" He cried but to no avail, because only 30 seconds later, the door broke open and his father stepped in, furious.

Jungwon removed his hands from his ears and started crawling backwards, away from his 'dad'. "I won't hurt you my wonie, I just need your help with something." His father sweetly said to him and started walking up to him. He bent down and put his hands in Jungwons hair, stroking it softly. "I'm sorry for scaring you my baby. It wasn't my intention." Jungwon knew what was about to happen, he knew what a sick guy his dad has become, ever since jungwons mom ran away.

So as his father leaned in to kiss jungwon, he kicked him in the crotch, jumped up on his bed, opened his window and jumped out. Since he lives on the first floor, he landed safely, but still hurt his ankle a bit.

He couldn't care less right now, he started running in any direction, he didn't care where, he just started running.

He soon found himself infront of his and his mom's favorite spot, a beautiful clearing with a big oak tree and a gorgeous little pond. Humping a bit from the pain he was feeling, he walked over to the tree only to be surprised by seeing someone sitting there.

Jungwon looked at the person, eyes wide open, mouth agape. "Mom..?" He asked, but as the person turned around, he was dissapointed. It was just a guy, or wait...was he crying? Jungwon studied the latter's face and the first thing he noticed was his pretty black hair and his beautiful facial features. He looked like an angel sitting there under his favorite tree.

The black-haired boy just looked at jungwon, shocked but also kinda scared. "W-Who are you?" He stuttered, backing away from him.

"Oh sorry! I'm..Jungwon." He hesitated but decided to still talk to the guy. He noticed a few bruises on the latter's face but decided to ignore it. "This is my favorite and secret spot, so I am quite surprised that you're also here" He slowly went up to the guy and held out his hand.

The other hesitated for a second and looked away, not shaking Jungwon's hand. "I'm Park Jongseong. But everyone calls me Jay." He said, trying to avoid eye contact as he was blushing furiously.

Jay felt mesmerized by Jungwon's presence. He felt as if the younger one was glowing. 'He's so beautiful' was all he could think of.

Jungwon lightly chuckled and pulled his hand away, sitting down next to Jay, who flinched when their legs touched a bit and scooted away from Jungwon.

Jungwon raised his eyebrow at the boy's reaction, but he didn't want to pressure him, so he didn't ask him why he reacted like that. "Soo..." Jungwon sighed, not really knowing what so say or ask.

Jay usually wasn't this quiet, he was actually more like a mood maker, but around Jungwon, he felt different.

They were sitting next to eachother in silence, awkward silence. Until Jungwon decided to speak up. "How come you know this place?" He said, trying not to think of his mother too much.

Jungwon could see the look on Jay's face he was about to..cry? And in that exact moment, a tear rolled down the older's cheek. He was smiling bitterly, trying to hide his sadness. "Because of a friend. Nothing too interesting. It's not like he's here anyways" The last words came out as a whisper, but Jungwon still heard them.

"Well, tell me more about your friend!" Jungwon smiled at Jay, completely oblivious as to what had happened. Jay suddenly stood up, quickly looked at Jungwon and started walking away. "I'm sorry, but I have to go home now."

Jungwon stood up and walked after him. "Hey! I'm sorry. Did I make you uncomfortable?" Jungwon said, as he grabbed Jay's wrist to pull him back, but to his surprise, the older flinched really hard and slapped his hand away. "D-Don't touch me! Why do you even care? You don't even know me. Just go away." Jay said as he started walking away again, and this time, Jungwon let him.

"Fine. Suit Yourself."


This was the first Chapter! I hope you liked it :)

With you until the end//JAYWON (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now