Chapter 7

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After the dance performance, Jungwon slowly walked down the steps of the stage and saw Jake and Jay waiting for him. Jake immediately went up to him and gave him a big hug, which made Jungwon smile. "That was so great!" Jake said, pulling away from the hug and putting his thumbs up. He looked where Jungwon was looking and saw Jay, then he realized that maybe they want to be alone.

"Hey, um, I'm gonna check out the other performances okay?"

Jungwon nodded and as soon as Jake left, Jay ran up to him and swooped him up in his arms, putting him over his shoulder, legs in the air. Jungwon screamed, while Jay just chuckled and started walking to the exit. "Jay put me down! We can't leave, it's still not over!"

Jay slowly put Jungwon down and looked into his eyes. "We'll be back before the award ceremony."

"You promise?"

"I promise."

Jay and Jungwon started walking towards the older's car. The black-haired boy looked down at their hands and chuckled a bit, seeing Jungwon being unsure if he should intertwine them. He took the younger's hand and intertwined their fingers, looking up at Jungwon and giving him an innocent smile.

Jay opened the passenger seat's door and bowed down, indicating Jungwon to get in. The younger of the two just chuckled and sat down, but before he could fasten his seatbelt, Jay was doing it for him. When he looked up, their faces were so close, their noses almost touching and their eyes staring at eachother. After a few seconds, Jay turned away and closed the door, walking over to his side of the car. Jungwon looked out of the window, not speaking with Jay for the whole car ride, because of how flustered he was.

After about 10 minutes, Jay parked the car and got out of his seat. He opened Jungwon's door and helped him out of the car. "We're here. Do you recognize it?"

Jungwon looked around, trying to remember if he knew this place. Then, he saw a tree with a beautiful pond, that looked a bit run down to be honest.

He opened his eyes wide and looked at Jay. "You still remember where this place is? I forgot." Jay nodded at Jungwon and took his hands, leading him to the tree, the place where they first met.

"After I met you one year ago, I couldn't stop thinking of you. So, I came here everyday, in hopes you would come too." Jay admitted shyly and sat down, patting the spot next to him.

Jungwon smirked and sat down next to the older. He wiggled his eyebrows and grinned sheepishly. "Oh, at first sight?~" Jungwon teased laughing afterwards.

"Yeah..I think so." Jungwon stopped laughing and looked to his side, seeing Jay blushing and playing with the hem of his shirt. He looked up at Jungwon and gave him a flustered smile. "Sorry, I spoke my thoughts out loud. I shouldn't have-"

But before Jay could finish, he felt a pair of soft lips on his own. Before Jay could process what was happening, the other pulled away. They looked at each other for a second, before Jay put his arm around Jungwon's waist and pulled him onto his lap. Jungwon put his arms around Jay's neck and looked down at him.

They connected their lips, sharing a tender and soft kiss. Their lips fit together so well, like they were made for eachother. Jungwon pulled away and put his head on Jay's shoulder, blushing furiously. "You just stole my first kiss" He shyly admitted and Jay just chuckled a bit. He put his finger on Jungwon's chin and pulled him up to look at him. "I don't ever want someone else to kiss you."

Jungwon just hit the other's chest and pushed him away, standing up. "We have to go now." He said, starting to walk away as quick as he can. Jay jogged up behind him and put his arm around his shoulder.


Jungwon was nervous, more than nervous. He stood on the stage, waiting for the host to announce the winner of the talent show. He looked down at his shoes.

"With only 15 years, this fellow student of DN-High managed to impress the crowd and won first place. Yang Jungwon."

Jungwon looked up, shocked. He pointed to himself, as if asking 'What?Me?' and walked up to the host. He gave him a medal and told him about the extra credits he would get in his classes. But Jungwon wasn't even listening. He was only looking at his boyfriend, who was cheering for him.


Before Jungwon could walk up to the stage, he was stopped by someone grabbing his arm. "Jungwon, what are we? I need to know." Jungwon blushed and looked at Jay. "I..I don't know Jay."

"Will you be mine, Won?"

Jungwon blushed furiously and just nodded his head, without looking at the other.

"Use your words darling."

"Yes!" Jungwon shouted. He then pushed the other's arm away and walked up to the stage.

Jay was cheering for Jungwon and the younger looked at him so fondly.

Jake, who was standing beside Jay, looked at the two of them and realised what was happening. He sighed and started to walk away, when he bumped into someone. "Dude, be careful. You-" He started to say, but when he looked up, he lost his words. Heeseung looked stunning today.

The older of them pulled Jake up by his hand and chuckled a bit. "Sure, dude." Jake playfully hit his arm and whined a bit. "Stop copying me!"

Heeseung brought his hand up to the other's hair and started ruffling it. "I'm just messing with you, Jakey." Jake blushed a bit.

"Are you aware of what you're doing Lee Heeseung?" Jake asked, still blushing. Heeseung smirked and acted innocent. "No, what am I doing?"

"Ugh, nevermind." Jake started to walk away, but Heeseung hugged him from behind, putting his head on his shoulder. "No, tell me. I want to know. What do you feel right now, Jakey?"

Jake just sighed and turned around to look at Heeseung. He then pulled away, but before he could leave, he went up to the older's ear and whispered. "Butterflies."

Heeseung just stood there, blushing but also smirking and watched Jake walk away.

(Back to Jaywon)

Jungwon walked down the steps of the stage and immediately went to find Jay. The older suddenly hugged him from behind and ruffled his hair. "I'm so proud of you, my love."

Jungwon smiled at Jay and gave him a peck on the cheek. The two of them started walking out, but before they could get into Jay's car, his phone started ringing.

Jay excused himself and walked a few steps away, he was talking for a few seconds, before Jungwon could see him fall down onto his knees. Jungwon ran up to him and put his arms around his shoulder, but the older flinched hard and pushed the other away.

"Jay, what's wrong? What happened?" Jay turned around and stood up, his tears streaming down his face.

"My mom.."


A bit of Heejake! Don't worry, Sunki will soon get more content too.

Finally, we're getting to the angsty part of this story hehe.

Anyways, I hope you liked it! :)

With you until the end//JAYWON (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now