Chapter 6

28 3 7

1 hour later

Jungwon bid his goodbyes to the older and started walking away, thinking about everything that happened earlier and suddenly started to cry again.

'I didn't know..I feel so bad for him. Fuck, why did he say those things to me? About feeling safe?'

Jungwon brought his hands up to his cheeks and cupped them, feeling how hot they were. He took out his phone to look at his camera and realized that he was blushing and looked like a red tomato. "What are you doing to me, Park Jongseong?"


Jungwon slowly pulled out the keys from his pocket and brought them up to the lock of the front door. He pushed the key in and twisted it quietly. After closing the door and taking off his shoes, he started to sneak to his room. A few steps from his door away, he suddenly felt a hand over his mouth and a pair of arms around his waist.


He knew who it was, he knew what was happening. He looked back and tried to wiggle out of his father's grip, but to no avail. His dad turned him around and started stroking a few strands of Jungwon's hair behind his ear.

"You look just like your mother. So beautiful."

Jungwon gave up on trying to fight him and just cooperated, letting the tears fall from his eyes.


Jungwon laid awake in his bed, bruises all over his body, half naked and tears streaming down his face. He turned to his side and finally let out a few sobs, then, he started crying loudly and screaming into his pillow. Why was all this happening to him? Did he deserve this?

Then, he heard his phone buzz and decided to look at it. He saw a message from an unknown number and clicked on it, curious.

Can I call you?

Won :)
Who are you?


Won :)
Ok sure. Call me.

*incoming call from 'Jay <3'*

Jungwon slowly pressed the accept button and started biting his nails, waiting for the other to speak.

"Hi." The other said in a groggy voice, making Jungwon's stomach do weird flips and turns.

"Hi." He greeted him back, ignoring the unfamiliar feeling all over his body. He heard shuffling from the other side and decided to get into a comfortable position too. "So, why did you want to call me?"

The younger heard a light chuckle from the other side, making him frown. "Why are you laughing at me?" Jungwon pretended to be sad and pouted, forgetting that the older could not see him.

"I'm not. You're just so cute." Jungwon suddenly stopped pouting and put his hands over his eyes, kicking his feet in the air and giggling a bit, after muting himself.

"I just wanted to hear your voice. I couldn't sleep, I felt like maybe your voice could help me. I like it."

Jay turned on his camera, showing him laying down on his bed. His hair was messy and he had a shirt on which was way too big on him and because of that half of his upper body was showing.

With you until the end//JAYWON (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now