Chapter 15

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Jay sat in the hospital bed, still letting the tears fall from his face. Once again, his love left him. Jungwon was just like Sunghoon. They all leave in the end anyways, so why bother to care? Suddenly, the door slammed open once again, revealing his 'father'. He knew what was about to happen.

His father walked up to him and slapped his face. "You! How dare you get sent to the hospital?" His dad was furious and slapped him once more. Jay just let it happen. "I already had to pay for your stupid mom's funeral, now you want me to pay for these bills too?!" He slapped him once more. And again. Again. And one more time.

Suddenly, a smile broke out on Jay's face. "Why are you laughing?" His dad slapped him once more. It's funny, he's in the hospital, slapping his son, instead of asking what happened. Jay laughed and let a tear fall down. "I'll never be good enough for you, won't I?" He smiled at his father.

"You crazy bastard, why are you smiling?" But before his dad could hit him again, Jay caught his fist mid-air. "Answer me, father."

His dad scoffed and pulled his hand away from Jay's grip. "No, you're just a nobody that no one wants or needs. Look, even your boyfriend left you. How pathetic." His dad spoke and walked out of the room. "You'll be paying for these bills, I won't do a thing."

Jay sat on his bed and held his hot-red cheek. It was bruised, but he was happy. He could still feel the pain and somehow, it statisfied him. He finally got what he deserved. He deserves all this. Jay looked around and stood up, grunting from the pain in his stomach. He grabbed his coat and car keys and ran out of his room. Nurses on the hallways were trying to stop him, but he was too fast.


Jay heard them, but he couldn't care less. He just wanted to get out of this hell hole. Out of this live full of pain.


Jungwon stood outside his home, about to enter, when he suddenly got a call. He looked at his phone and saw that it was..the hospital?

"Yes? Yes, this is me. What happened? WHAT? HE RAN AWAY?"

Jungwon's breathing quickened. Jay ran away? Why? Was he hurt so bad? He put his phone away and began thinking of where he could go. The first place he could think of, was the older's home. Without thinking much, Jungwon started running there and when he arrived, he loudly banged on the door. A man opened it and looked confused.

"SIR. IS—IS JAY HE—HERE." Jungwon panted and looked at the disgusted look on the face of the man infront of him. "No, this brat wouldn't dare to come home right now." Jungwon raised his eyebrows, but quickly thanked the man and then began running to the forest, the clearing where they first met.

When he arrived there, he looked at the tree, the pond and everything around, but no one was there. Jungwon broke down and sat next to tree, pulling his knees up to his face and sobbing into them.

He had no idea. He had no idea where Jay could be. Fuck, Jay. Why is he not there? He just wanted him to be safe. He wanted to apologize for just leaving earlier. But where was the older? The one he truly loved?

Then, a memory played in his head.

Flashback - 4 years earlier

Jungwon smiled at Jay, who was busy admiring the stars and their beauty, which seemed to shine only for them. Jay looked to the side and their eyes locked onto eachother.

"Jungwon, I am so thankful that you are here. Here...watching the stars with me."

Jungwon smiled and put his hand on Jay's. "I'm grateful to be here too." He spoke and showed his dimples. Jay looked back at the stars.

"The stars kind of remind me of you, you know?"

Jungwon looked confusedly at the stars. "Why?"

"They shine so bright, even thhough they have to overcome some difficulties. Yet, they still manage to make my day better. Make me feel better. Make me a better person. Make me better."

Jungwon felt a tear slip out of his eye and soon, more followed. Jay smiled and pulled the younger into a hug, caressing his cheeks. "Jungwon, I will always be with you. Forever. I won't ever leave you."

Jungwon smiled and looked up at his lifeline. "I won't either. Let's always be together."

Jay nodded. "Promise?"



Jungwon's head snapped up at the sudden memory. Of course, how could he forget? The cliff. The cliff where they watched the stars. Jungwon stood up and began running towards it, tears slipping out of his eyes, his vision becoming blurry. But he still wouldn't give up and kept running.

'Jay you promised to stay with me forever, so hold on a little longer. You promised.'


Jungwon stood at the cliff and panted, trying to catch his breath, when he suddenly spotted a black car. Jay's car. Jungwon slowly walked up to it, seeing Jay gripping tightly onto the steering wheel. He knocked on the window.

Jay opened his eyes and looked to the side, almost fainting when he suddenly saw Jungwon there.

'No, he's not supposed to be here. What is he doing here?'

Jungwon opened the door of the car and got in, tears still streaming down his face. "Jay, what are you doing? Let's leave."

Jay just smiled at Jungwon softly and nodded his head. "You know what I'm doing Wonie. You're not supposed to be here. You're making it harder for me." Jungwon clutched onto Jay's arm and started crying harder. "No, Jay. Stop this. You promised."

Now, Jay was confused. Promised? Promised what? As Jungwon saw the look on Jay's face, he spoke. "The night we watched the stars together. You promised to be with me forever."

Jay realized and remembered. "Jungwon, those were teenage thoughts. The thoughts of a teenager who didn't know anything about this world."

"But still, YOU PROMISED."

Jungwon looked at him, his lifeline, trying not to cry even more but he soon gave up and let soft, warm tears trickle down his now hot cheeks.

As Jay looked at him with such sincere eyes, he put his hand on Jungwon's cheek to wipe away his tears and make circles with his thumb to calm him down.

"Don't cry my love" He said, but Jungwon saw a tear run down his cheek at that exact moment. He softly smiled at him and let out a heavy sigh. "This is for the best."

Jungwon looked at him, unsure if he should just leave and run at first, but he decided against it and quickly wiped his tears, smiling at him. "I'm sure now. I'm ready."

Jay was confused. "Ready? For what?"

Jungwon smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I'm coming with you."

Jay tried arguing, but Jungwon wouldn't let him. "Jay, this is the only way. The only way to make me happy. Just do it."

Jay smiled and pulled Jungwon in for another kiss, before he stepped on the gas pedal, driving towards the end of the cliff.

"Let's be in love in our next life too, Jungwon. Let's be happy."

"Yes, Jay."

And with that, the car drove off the cliff, a smile on both of their faces, hands intertwined. They did fulfil their promise in the end. Too always be together.

Until the end of their lives.




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