Chapter 12

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Jungwon woke up to the smell of clean sheets and looked around, recognizing that he was in his own room. He smelt a faint smell of pancakes and sat up, holding his head, because of how much it was hurting. Now, he started to look around, wondering how he got here and most importantly...where Jay was. Jungwon got up and walked out of the room carefully, when the smell of pancakes got closer. He froze when he saw his father, making breakfast, with Jay, sitting beside him, drinking coffee. He looked at Jay, but the older just ignored him, which hurt Jungwon.

"Dad, what's going on?" His father turned around to...SMILE? at Jungwon. "Jungwon, take a seat. I made you some pancakes." Jungwon took a seat right next to Jay and looked at the other intensely. Jay had some kind of bruises on his neck...they looked like hickeys. What was going on? Jay's cheeks and eyes were puffy and red, like he had been crying all night.

"Jay, are you alright?"

Jay wanted to answer, he wanted to tell the other everything and just call the police, but he knew he couldn't, so he just decided to nod and look away. Then, Jungwon's father went up to the two and set down a plate with pancakes on it. He walked towards his own seat and suddenly gave Jay a kiss on the cheek.

Jungwon looked at his dad and Jay, having no clue what was going on. All he knew was, that he was disgusted. His own dad just kissed his kind of boyfriend on the cheek.


After breakfast, Jay just stood up and quickly walked to the front door, putting on his coat. Jungwon quickly followed after him, ignoring his father's stare. Jay opened the door and walked outside, when he heard a voice. "Jay, why are you ignoring me?" Jungwon screamed, desperate for an answer. But the older just sighed and started to walk again, before he felt someone grip his arm and pull him back. Their faces were close, really close. Jungwon stared into the other's eyes, not blinking once. Jay harshly pulled his arms away.

"Because I don't like you."

Jungwon froze.

"Wait. You're joking. Right, Jay?"

Jay scoffed and started walking away, but Jungwon chased after him, crying loudly.

"Wait! Jay! Please! You're Joking!"

Jay was holding back his own tears and kept walking, before turning around to scream at Jungwon.

"NO! Jungwon, this isn't going to work. I never liked you in the first place."

Jungwon stood there, clutching his chest and sobbing so hard, he could barely breathe. Jay reissted the urge to comfort the younger and walked away. He walked away from Jungwon and their relationship.

Jungwon still stood there, but now, he had even more trouble breathing. He was just about to pass out, when someone caught him and pulled him into a hug. Jungwon got a sense of deja vu, when he immediately recognised the person as Kang Taehyun. "Jungwon, breathe."

Jungwon did as he was told and with a few more encouraging words, he was able to calm down a bit. "Tae, what are you doing here?" The other shrugged his shoulders slightly. "I wanted to visit you, but your father said you went out and then I saw you here."

Jungwon nodded and cuddled even more into Taehyun's chest.

Jay, who was watching from afar, let his tears fall. Who is that? They seem close. Maybe Jay really was just a toy for Jungwon. And now he was also one for Jungwon's dad.


The rest of the week, the two avoided each other as much as possible, only talking to each other in class. Jay because he had to and Jungwon because he was heartbroken. But something strange was happening. Jungwon would see Jay's shoes in his house here and then.

So, after coming home from school, he decided to go to his room and peek through the door, to see why Jay was coming over everytime. After about 20 minutes, the door creaked open and Jay walked inside, taking off his shoes.


The older started walking to the living room, when he was attacked by Jungwon's father, choking him. Jay held his breath and Jungwon's dad began to kiss his neck roughly. Jungwon was shocked. So that's why his das hasn't been harassing him recently. Jungwon coughed a bit, closing his door.

Jay took a quick glance to the side, seeing Jungwon's head disappear behind the door. Shit. He saw everything. He wasn't supposed to know. Jungwon's dad kept going tho. He didn't care. Jay pushed him away, suddenly feeling even more disgusted. I mean, he was technically being r@ped.

The other looked furious, he stepped up to Jay and slapped him, hard. Jay fell quiet and dropped his mouth in shock. "I'm sorry. I am not in the mood today." Jay whispered, trying to sound reasonable.

Jungwon's father just scoffed, before walking away to his own room, leaving Jay behind. Jay walked towards Jungwon's door without hestitation and knocked, followed by a killing silence. "Jungwon. Let me explain." But there was another silence. He slid down the door, putting his head against it. After a minute or two, the door suddenly opened and Jay fell into the room. Jungwon was crying. "Explain. 1 Minute."

Jay sighed, before closing the door. "I can't. I can't tell you. But please believe me, that this is just for your best."

Jungwon frowned. "What? Fucking my dad? Are you such a slut? Really, Jay?" Before Jungwon could realize what he said, a tear rolled down Jay's cheek. Jungwon put his hands infront of his own mouth. "I'm sorry. I didn't m-"

Jay just scoffed a bit and let the tears roll down his cheeks. "Yeah. Sure you didn't." He started to walk away, but suddenly felt someone hug his waist from behind. The butterflies inside his stomach were going crazy and he felt as if he was complete again. "I'm sorry Jay. I was just angry." Jay turned around and quickly pulled Jungwon in for a short, but emotional kiss. "Fuck Jungwon, you're too irresistible." He whispered into the younger's ear, before taking his hand and swiftly kissing his knuckles.

Suddenly, they heard a glass fall and turned around to see Jungwon's dad standing in the door frame, fury in his eyes.




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