Chapter 14

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Jungwon walked out of the office with a smile on his face and looked around the hospital for Ni-ki. He soon spotted the younger napping in the waiting room and nudged his arm. "Wake up Riki." He spoke and the younger's eyes fluttered open slightly. When he realized what was happening, his head snapped up. "Is he ok? Will he be ok? Is he alive?" Ni-ki bombarded the other with questions and Jungwon couldn't help but smile widely at the younger's cuteness.

"Yes, he's fine." Jungwon smiled and let a few tears of happiness fall. There was a short silence, before Riki hugged him and also let a few tears out. "Let's call Sunoo and have a hangout. We haven't done that for one year or even more." Jungwon nodded his head and proceeded to call Sunoo.


"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY???" Sunoo spoke, clearly offended. Jungwon couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of his two friends bickering. "I said, that you sound like a dying horse." Ni-ki shamelessly spoke and smirked. Sunoo gasped and slowly stood up, fury in his eyes. He took slow steps towards the maknae and grinned menacingly. "Oh no, you're gonna regret that."

Before Riki could react, they were already on the ground, with Sunoo tickling him and Ni-ki laughing. "S—AH—STOP" He tried to stay, but Sunoo kept tickling him. Suddenly, Jungwon felt a feeling of nostalgia and he started crying. The other two noticed and went up to him, worried.

"Jungwon??? Are you ok? What's wrong?" Sunoo spoke and put a hand on his shoulder as a sign of comfort. Jungwon just smiled at them. "I just missed you two so much. Your bickering. Your smiles. They way you always made me feel better. I missed everything so much." The two of them smiled back and pulled him into a hug. "We missed you too Wonie."

After a while, Jungwon pulled away and now had a teasing look on his face. "Now, tell me what's going on with you two." He smirked at the blushing look on both of their faces.

"We're...going out." Sunoo spoke and hid his face in Ni-ki's shoulder. Jungwon broke out into a smile and clapped. "Ugh, finally!! Took you long enough." Ni-ki laughed a bit and patted Sunoo's head. "Yeah, I was stupid for not realizing my feelings. I mean, pushing away my feelings."

"I'm happy for you, but we should probably go to sleep." Sunoo looked at the clock on the wall and read the time: '2:32 am'. "Yeah, we probably should." They all chuckled and went to lay down on their mattresses in the living room, which they had set up earlier.


The next morning when Jungwon woke up, he wrote a note, informing the two lovebirds, who were cuddling by the way, that he was going to visit Jay at the hospital. He put on his jacket and closed the door of Sunoo's house behind him. He got into a taxi and stared out of the window, excited to meet his lover.

When they arrived, he thanked the driver and gave him the money. Jungwon walked inside, towards the room Jay was currently in. He composed himself and knocked on the door, hearing a light "come in."

He opened the door and immediately felt tears on his face, when he saw Jay sitting up and looking out of the window of his room. The older turned around and smiled at Jungwon. Jungwon walked up to him and plopped himself onto the chair next to his bed. He took the other's hands and caressed them, suddenly starting to cry.

"It's all my fault, Jay. I'm sorry. I didn't want for this to happen." Jungwon looked up and saw Jay having a confused look on his face.

"Who are you?"

Jungwon's breath hitched and it got stuck in his throat.

"I'm just kidding!"

Jay smiled and pulled the other in for a kiss. "My wonie."

Jungwon gasped and punched the other lightly. "You scared me!"

"That was your punishment for thinking it's your fault. Because it's not." Jay spoke and looked at the other lovingly. Jungwon smiled and laid his head down on Jay's lap. "I love you so much."

Jay's face suddenly became red and his voice got stuck in his throat. Jungwon was confused at first, but when he realised what he had said, his face did the same. "I'm sorry if that was too early—"

"Say that again."

Jungwon frowned. Was Jay making fun of him?


Jay had an unreadable expression on his face. "I said, say that again."

Jungwon blushed. "I love you."

Jay smiled and pulled the other onto the bed with him. Jungwon was now sitting on Jay's lap. "Jay! You're still hurt, I should get dow—"

But before Jungwon could finish that sentence, he felt lips on his own. He looked at Jay and smiled, closing his eyes and melting into the kiss. Jay put his arms on Jungwon's waist and pulled him in closer. He asked for permission to enter Jungwon's mouth with his tongue and the other granted it. He explored Jungwon's cavern and bit down on his lip, which made the other let out a light moan. Jay pulled away and put his hands under Jungwon's shirt, feeling his stomach. Jungwon moaned at the feeling of Jay's cold hands on his skin.

"Fuck, Jungwon. How are you so addictive?" They leaned in for another kiss, but suddenly the door slammed open, revealing a smiling Jake, with chocolates and flowers in his hands. Jake looked forward and locked eyes with Jungwon, who quickly got up from Jay's lap. He dropped the flowers and tears started spilling out of his eyes. "W-what's going on here, Jungwon, Jay?"

Jay tried searching for words, but none came out. Jake walked up to him and pushed Jungwon aside. "What? After everything I did for you? I got you inside your dream college. I was with you when Jungwon, the guy you cheated on me with, left you. I was there when you were crying. I was there for everything. And this is how you pay me back?"

Jay couldn't speak. He knew that what he had done was wrong, but somehow, he didn't feel guilty. "I'm sorry Jake." Jake scoffed and picked up the flowers from the floor, throwing them at his face. "Screw you, I wish your father had killed you back then."

Jake walked out of the room and closed the door. He immediately regretted saying that. "Why did I say that? I'm so dumb." He cried and clutched his chest, when he suddenly bumped into someone. "Hey, Sorry man— JAKE?!"

Jake looked up at Heeseung and before he knew it, he fell into the other's arms, crying his heart out. "Please just forget that we don't like each other right now and hug me." Heeseung sighed and put his arms around the other's figure. "Who said I don't like you? I was just overwhelmed by your sudden confession Jaeyun."


Inside the hospital room, Jungwon stood up, furious. "You didn't break up with him?" Jay was speechless, still thinking about what Jake had said to him. "ANSWER ME!" Jungwon shouted and Jay flinched a bit. "I forgot.."

Jungwon took a deep breath. "You forgot?" He spoke. "YOU FORGOT??" Jungwon sighed and walked towards the door.

"No, Jungwon! Don't leave!" Jungwon sighed and looked back. "Fuck you, Jay." He said, before walking out of the room.

"No! Don't leave me too..." He cried and put his head into his hands. "I fucked up. "


Yes Jay, you did.


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