Chapter 3

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Sunoo looked between his best friend Jungwon and a certain black-haired male, whom he didn't know, staring at each other.

"Are you done staring? We have to go. This is our stop." He heard the younger one behind him sigh. Ni-ki sensed Jungwon was tense and pulled him by his hand to the exit of the bus. Sunoo followed the two, looking at Jungwon, who seemed in a daze.

He quickly composed himself and started walking behind Ni-ki, trying not to look back.

"Jungwon! Wait!"

He knew exactly who said that, but decided to ignore it and keep walking, which was pretty hard by the way.

"Now you know how I felt, Jongseong."


Jay leaned back in his seat, carefully thinking about everything that has happened in the last 5 minutes. When suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He flinched at first, but as soon as he heard the guy's voice, he relaxed.

"Yo" Jake sat down beside him, putting his arm over the latter's shoulder.

"You look like you saw a ghost. What happened?" Jake looked concerned, of course he was, his best friend usually wasn't this quiet.

"Nothing, just met an old friend." Jake suspiciously looked at Jay. "You don't have any friends except for me and Heeseung" He tried holding in his laugh.

Jay smiled at Jake and then at himself. Before he put in his earphones again, he said "You forgot Sunghoon though."

"Jay.." Jake sighed, removing his hand from the other's shoulder. He leaned back in his seat and wiped a tear away that was about to escape. Before he could say something else, Jay fell asleep on his shoulder. He put his hands on Jay's head and started massaging his head and stroking his hair.

"When will you finally realize that he's not here anymore?" Jake deeply sighed as he closed his eyes to sleep too.


Jungwon stepped out of the bus and let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in. As he looked in front of him, he saw Ni-ki and Sunoo both looking at him, expecting an explanation.

"Are you my parents or what?" Jungwon joked, but those two looked super serious.

"Who the fck was that Jungwon?" Sunoo questioned him. He looked to the ground, stuttering a bit. What was he to him? A friend? Or just an acquaintance? They only met once, so what was he supposed to say?

"Just someone I met a year back. He's not that important." Jungwon put his hand on the back of his head, smiling awkwardly.

"Are you kidding? Anyone could smell the tension between you two from a mile away." Ni-ki scoffed and took a step towards Jungwon, he seemed pretty intimidating.

" I don't know, ok? He just looked so handsome.." Jungwon wasn't saying that as a joke. He had noticed how much Jay grew and how much sharper his jawline got. His eyes and his overall looks were so perfect.

"Wowowow wait. Jungwon? Admitting someone is handsome? Who are you?" Ni-ki looked at Jungwon, genuinely confused, but as soon as Sunoo started laughing, Jungwon did the same. Ni-ki looked offended between the two. "I was serious!"

"I'm sorry- It's just-" Jungwon couldn't finish because of how hard he was laughing and soon after, Ni-ki started laughing too, forgetting about Jay completely.

"Let's just go to school! We don't wanna be late." Sunoo said grabbing Jungwons hand and then hestitating to take Ni-ki's. But when he did, Jungwon saw Sunoo lightly smiling at Ni-ki with red cheeks, while Riki was just a blushing mess. Jungwon rolled his eyes and started dragging the two with him, breaking them out of their trance.

"I gotta get my act together." Jungwon heard Riki whisper, just so Sunoo couldn't hear it. He weirdly looked back at Ni-ki and when the guy realized the older had heard everything, he turned away, acting like nothing happened.



"Jay, wake up. The next stop is our stop." Jay opened his eyes, only to find his head laying on Jake's shoulder. He quickly got up and bowed his head to apologize to him. But Jake just put his hands infront of his face, waving them frantically. "No need to apologize, I'm your best friend Jay." Jay nodded a bit, humming.

"Jay, are you sure you're ok?"

Jay stood up and started walking out of the bus, Jake following him silently. "Yes, why wouldn't I be?" Jake looked worried and put his hand on Jay's shoulder while walking. "You know what day today is right?"

Jay hopped out of the bus and turned around to look at his best friend, dissapointed. "Yeah, no need to bring it up now. Just shut the hell up." Jay said, as he started walking again, the guilt for saying that slowly eating him up.

Jake just followed the other guy, without saying a word, but not feeling surprised at that reaction. He knew how much Jay was suffering from this, he knew how much Jay was trying to hold back his tears.

As they were walking, someone suddenly popped up next to Jake, which scared the hell out of him. "Fuck! No need to jumpscare me everyday!" He shouted at the older guy, clearly flustered because of his own reaction.

Heeseung tried to hold in his laugh but ended up cracking up "You should've seen your face omg!"

Jake pouted at Heeseung, who snaked his arm around the younger's waist "Don't sulk now, you're gonna kill me with your cuteness sim jaeyun!"

As soon as Jake heard those words, his face turned red like a tomato and he just burried his face into the other's chest, hitting him lightly.

Jay, who was still there by the way, just ignored the two and kept walking, his mind clouded with different things. He should be thinking of him now, but the only thing he can think of is Jungwon. Even after one year, the younger still looked so perfect.

His voice sounded angelic and his eyes mesmerized Jay everytime he looked at them.

'I need to stop these thoughts. Why am I like this?' He started hitting his own head, stopping a tear from escaping his eye.


Jay sat infront of the gravestone, putting down the flowers he had bought earlier. He put his head against the letters carved into the stone and let his hands caress them.

"Park Sunghoon" He read, finally letting the tears leave his eyes.

"Happy 2nd anniversary my love."


I feel like I should just give up on this story atp.

Anyways, have a nice day and as always, please point out any mistakes I make.

With you until the end//JAYWON (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now