Chapter 4

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The younger lightly caressed his cheek and Jay melted into the touch. He put his own hands over the other's and looked the other boy into the eye.

After a few seconds, he inched closer to him and put his hands around the other's neck, pulling him in closer, so that there was little to no space between them.

"Javi..Are you sure about this?" The younger hovered over the older's face and shivered when he felt the black-haired boy's breath on his lips.

"Yes Hoonie, I'm more than sure about this." Jay said and connected their lips softly.



Jay shot up from his position and looked around, only to realize, that he was still in front of Sunghoon's grave and the sky around him has turned into a pretty blackish color with stars shining at him.

Suddenly, he felt a jacket around his shoulder and looked up at whoever woke him.

Jungwon smiled at Jay with sincere eyes and put his hands on the older's cheek, wiping his tears away, that were formed while he was sleeping.

"I assumed that you're cold. So, I-Uh I-" Jungwon suddenly tried to explain himself, looking at the unexplainable expression on Jay's face, but suddenly, he was pulled down to the ground and embraced by two strong arms.

"I'm sorry for being so rude to you that day at the tree. I wanted to run back to you, but I just couldn't. I was too embarassed-" Jay started to explain while his head was pressed to Jungwon's chest, who just sat there, letting Jay hug him. Before he could finish his sentence, Jungwon interrupted him.

"Jay, it's fine really-" Jungwon was so overwhelmed by everything, the guy he met one year ago, the guy who flinched whenever their legs touched, was hugging him so tight, Jungwon almost couldn't breathe.

"Let me speak. I'm not done yet." Jay snuggled more into Jungwon's chest as an attempt to hide his blush. Jungwon slowly nodded and finally put his arms around Jay's waist, hugging him back.

"I just thought you were so beautiful- so ethearal- I felt like I wasn't good enough to even be sitting near you, in your presence ." Jungwon lightly chuckled at the other's words, feeling a blush crawl onto his cheeks.

Jay wiped his tears, finally letting go of Jungwon and looking him into his eyes. He felt butterflies errupting in his stomach, atleast, that's what he thought. But the next thing he knew, he was suddenly throwing up, right on his boyfriend's grave. He felt disgusted at himself, how could he have been this close to someone else infront of his own boyfriend?

Jungwon was surprised, is what you could say. He looked at Jay, worried and saw him suddenly starting to look at a gravestone next to them. He saw how the older's breathing got quicker by the second and put his hands on his shoulder, as a sign that he was there to help him, but to his surprise, the other flinched and pushed Jungwon away. The black-haired male stood up and suddenly ran away, making Jungwon furrow his eyebrows and frown a bit.

He looked to the gravestone and saw the name "Park Sunghoon" carved into it. 'I definitely need to ask Jake about this tomorrow'


The next day, Jungwon stepped onto the bus, sitting down in the same spot as yesterday. Sunoo and Ni-ki were already at school, because they had morning classes, while Jungwon was lucky and his teacher fell sick, so the class was cancelled.

At the next stop, he anxiously looked at the entrance of the bus, only to see Jake walk in and showing his ticket to the bus driver. 'Where is Jay?' As he saw Jake looking around for a seat, he took his chance and waved at Jake.

"Jake hyung! Come sit with me!" Jungwon smiled and patted the seat next to him. He saw the older smile back and when he sat down next to him, he immediately turned to look at Jake.

"Where is Jay?" Jake couldn't help but smirk a bit at the question. "Hello to you too wonie. Oh, you're asking how I am? Wow, that's so nice of you! I'm fine, thank you and you?" He looked at Jungwon with a smug face, while the other just looked annoyed, but couldn't hide his small smile at the other's goofiness.

"Just answer my question, pleasee!" Jungwon attached himself to the other's arm and looked at him with puppy eyes. Jake frowned at the sight, remembering the old days, but then he snapped back to reality and smiled at the younger.

"He stayed at home today, he's sick." Jungwon could tell Jake was lying, he could read the other like a book, even though they broke up over 6 months ago, he still knows him more than anyone.

Why are they still friends, you're asking? To be honest, these two were like soulmates, they couldn't stay away from eachother, but they realised that maybe, they were just platonic soulmates. Touchiness and close proximity always came natural to them, but when they did those things as a couple, it just felt weird to them, so they decided to break it off. The only thing Jungwon didn't know, is that Jake actually did have feelings for him, from the start.

Jungwon decided to let it go and detached himself from Jake's arm. He slowly leaned back in his seat and thought really hard for a moment until he spoke up.

"Jake, who is Park Sunghoon?"


Oooh so much dramaaa! No one is reading this story tbh, but I love writing these so I will definitely finish this one.

My updating times are a bit messy but I will try my best to get this done soon!

With you until the end//JAYWON (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now