Chapter 10

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It's been two weeks since Jungwon has last seen Jay. And it's been two weeks since Jay and Jake have gotten into a relationship.

Jungwon was just cleaning up the restaurant and as soon as he was done, he put on his coat and snuggled into it's warmth, preparing to go out into the cold and snowy weather.

He opened the door and quickly looked around, he turned the lights off and pulled out the keys from his pocket. He quickly inserted the key and turned it twice, locking the door.

Jungwon turned around and was suddenly met with someone else. He was standing face-to-face with Jay, who was just looking at his phone. After a few seconds, the other looked up and raised his eyebrows. "You done staring?"

"I-I'm sorry. I just-" The older just chuckled at the younger's tone, trying to explain himself. He stretched out his hand, telling Jungwon to shake it. "I'm Park Jongseong, but everyone calls me Jay."

Jungwon frowned a bit, not really sure of what to do or say. "Yeah. I know." He whispered out, hoping Jay wouldn't hear him. Well, he still did, but decided to ignore it.

Jay just kept staring at Jungwon, irritated. "Are you going to shake my hand, orrr?" Jungwon snapped out of his trance and chuckled awkwardly, shaking the older's hand. Jay smiled at the younger boy, something about him seemed familiar, as if he had seen him before.

"Have I met you before?"

Jungwon suddenly felt a pang in his chest and his breathing stopped for a second. He looked at Jay, who seemed genuinely confused. So he really didn't recognize him.

"I don't think so. My name is Yang Hajun."

I'm sorry for lying to you, Jay. But I just don't want to hurt you again.

Suddenly, they heard a car honk behind them and Jay turned around, spotting his boyfriend. "Welp, that's my boyfriend. It was nice meeting you, Yang Hajun." Jay smiled softly at him, before turning around and getting into Jake's car, giving him a quick peck on the lips. Jungwon just nodded and waved at the boy, trying to get rid of the jealousy in his heart.

'It's your own fault, Yang Jungwon.'

'He never loved you to begin with.'

'Just let him be happy with Jake, he couldn't be happy with you.'

He felt the hot and salty tears prickle down from his eyes and down to his cheeks. He clutched his chest with his hands, hanging his head low, looking at the ground. The voices are right, even if he tried, he could never give Jay what he needed. He could never be good enough for him. He deserves someone better, like Jake.

Jungwon was just about to walk away, when he felt someone grab his arm and pull him into a hug. He immediately realized who it was and melted into their arms. The other person just put his hands on Jungwon's cheeks and pulled him in for another hug. "It's gonna be okay Jungwon, just forget him."

"Thanks Taehyun."


He was now cuddled up in a blanket, drinking some tea and watching a movie, being in the arms of none other thank Kang Taehyun, his best friend. They had met on Jungwon's first day at his new school.

Jungwon was nervous, it was his first day in a new school in a new city. He slowly walked into the classroom, observing everyone. They all looked nice, but there were already a lot of friend groups formed, so he knew that he would be spending the rest of his high school years alone. When the bell rang, the teacher shoved him to the front of the class. "This is your new classmate, be nice." Everyone groaned in annoyance, because they had just gotten a new student a week ago and now they have another one.

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