Chapter 11

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There he was, sitting on his bed, with a tea in his hand and his ex-bestfriend beside him. Sunoo just looked at the younger sadly, he wanted to hug him, but wasn't sure if he would allow him to.

"I am sorry Jungwon. I really am. I didn't want to ghost you a year ago. I didn't mean to ignore you. I was just so stressed...with Ni-ki and all.." Sunoo fidgeted with his fingers and looked around nervously, trying not to stutter.

"It's ok. I've forgiven you a long time ago, Sunoo." Jungwon chuckled and pulled the latter in for a big hug. Both of them caressed their back's and smiled into the hug. "Ok, but now...tell me why you were having a panic attack in the middle of the the park...alone." Sunoo let go of him and put his hands on his shoulders as a sign of comfort.

Jungwon sighed, putting his cup down and turning his body slightly, so he was now facing Sunoo. "I met Jay. He doesn't even know who I am tho...But I kissed him. And he looked so guilty and scared. He is happy with Jake. I am such a bad person." Jungwon slowly let a few tears fall again, but immediately wiped them off with his sleeves.

"Have you told him that you are Jungwon?" The younger of the two just sighed and shook his head for no. Sunoo sighed and took out his phone, dialing a number. "You're gonna call him right now and ask him to meet up." Jungwon was shocked, but he couldn't protest, as the phone was already ringing. After a few rings, Jay picked up and his voice sounded deep, like he just woke up. "Sunoo, why tf are you calling me at 1am in the morning?"

"It's Hajun." Jungwon spoke slowly, afraid of the older's reaction. There was silence, before Jungwon decided to break it again. "I'm sorry for waking you up, but can we talk?" Jay hummed slightly. "Ok sure... Where do you want to meet up?" Jungwon smiled slightly, pulling out his phone to find a certain location and telling Jay the coordinates. "Meet you in 10!", The younger just said before nervously hanging up.

Jay was currently wandering around the forest, trying to find the coordinates Hajun (Jungwon) sent him. When he finally arrived, he immediately recognised the place. He froze and felt his heart clutch at all the memories flooding back in. The memories of his lifeline Jungwon. He walked into the clearing and looked at the pond, that was in a really bad condition now.

When he looked to the tree, he saw someone sitting there and figured it must be Hajun. He walked up to him and sat down, letting out a sigh. "How do you know this place?"

"A friend showed it to me once." Jungwon smiled a bit, before looking at Jay again. "My name js not Hajun, Jay." The older just froze before being compeltely confused. "What do you mean?"

"I lied to you. My name is not Hajun." Jay sighed, feeling betrayed. "Then, what is your name?"

Jungwon smiled at the other before leaning in for another kiss. He softly kissed him, tasting every bit of his sweet mouth. And then, it hit Jay. He realized why the other was so familiar and let the tears stain his face, before putting his hand on Jungwon's waist and pulling him in for a hug. Jay put his head in Jungwon's neck and started soaking his shirt. Jungwon just caressed the older's head and let out his own tears.

"Why did you leave me? It was so hard without you!" Jungwon just frowned at the thought of his father, but he didn't want to bother Jay with his problems. "I'm sorry Jongseongie." Jay just sighed at him and admired his features for a bit. "How did I not recognise the love of my life?"

Jungwon blushed and his face was suddenly as red as a tomato. The love of his life? Jay realized this and blushed a bit at his own words, before putting his hands on Jungwon's face. He rubbed circles onto the other's cheeks and started kissing his nose, his eyes, his ears, his cheeks, his whole face. "You're so beautiful." He sighed, before placing a short and gentle kiss on the other's lips, pulling him into another hug.

With you until the end//JAYWON (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now