Chapter 9

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They arrived at Jungwon's room and he locked the door. His father was already asleep, so he didn't notice them coming in. "You have to be quiet." Jungwon whispered, sitting down on his bed, looking at Jay standing in the middle of his room, looking around. "Your room looks just like what I imagined." Jay chuckles a bit and sits down next to Jungwon.

"Thank you..I guess?" Jungwon says, with a questioning look. They sit in silence for a few seconds until Jay turns to look at Jungwon. He holds eye contact with him and then reaches out, putting his hand on Jungwon's cheek. "You're so gorgeous." Jungwon chuckled at him and pushed his hand off. "You said that already, Jongseong."

Jay leans over to him and gives him a quick peck on the lips, smiling innocently afterwards. They look at eachother for a second, before Jungwon gently puts his hands on Jay's neck and pulls him closer, their lips inches away from eachother.

"Stop teasing and give me the real thing." Jungwon spoke and connected their lips. They fit together perfectly, like they were made for eachother. After a few seconds, they part, only to connect their lips again. Jungwon plays with Jay's hair strands on the back of his neck, while Jay's hand goes up to cup Jungwon's face, when they suddenly hear the doorknob moving.


Jungwon just looks at Jay and points to his closet. He understands quickly and sneaks up to it, opening the door and getting inside, leaving it open just a little bit. After that, the younger goes up to his door and unlocks it, only to be pushed onto the floor by his, now drunk, father. He pressed his lips forcefully onto his son's. Jay looked at the situation in shock.

Shit, what am I supposed to do? I need to help him.

Suddenly, there's a loud bang in Jungwon's closet. His father pulls away and looks at the closet with suspicion. He stands up and proceeds to walk towards it, but before he could open it, Jungwon already grabbed his wrist. "Goodnight, dad."

His father just scoffed and went out of the room. When Jay heard the door close, he stepped out of the closet and looked at Jungwon, who had an unreadable expression on his face. "Don't tell me...Did he?" The sad look on Jungwon's face answered the older's question immediately. Jay pulled Jungwon in and wrapped his arms around his head, comforting him. Jungwon just smiled and held back his tears. "I think you should go now."

Jay frowned a bit. "I don't want to leave you alone with him."

"It's fine. This isn't the first time."

"That only makes it worse."

Jungwon smiled bitterly and quite literally dragged Jay to the door. "Goodnight Park Jongseong." Jay gave him a light peck on the forehead and turned around, walking away. As soon as he disappeared, the younger closed the door and sprinted into his room. He started crying as hard as he could. He started letting out everything that was being held inside for the last few days.

Suddenly, his dad stepped inside again. He started walking towards Jungwon and when he came to a stop, he sat down next to him. "Jungwon, I have something to tell you..."

Next thing you know, Jungwon was crying, begging his dad not to make him do it. "Please, dad. You can't do this to me."

"Jungwon, my decision is final."


Jay was getting worried, Jungwon hasn't been answering his phone for two days and he was never on the bus anymore. He decided to visit him after school.

As soon as the bell rang, Jay quickly put his stuff in his bag and attempted to run, but someone grabbed his wrist. "Where are you going? We habe football practice, remember?", Jake looked at him, confused af. "Sorry ikeu, can't come today."

With you until the end//JAYWON (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now