Chapter 2

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He walked away from the younger boy, trying to hold back his tears, but as soon as the other was out of his sight, he started releasing them. He stood still, hitting himself on the forehead, cursing under his breath. "Jay, you are so stupid. Why did you leave? You didn't even get his number or a name or something at least."

He sighed, looking back once more, contemplating if he should go back, but deciding against it. He didn't wanna go home either, but he had to.

He took slow steps towards his house and quietly opened the door, taking off his shoes and starting to walk to his room. The black-haired boy walked into the living room and saw his mom passed out on the couch. "Did you overwork yourself again mom?" He whispered, putting a blanket over her and getting some water.

As he was about to go to his room for real this time, he felt someone grab his hair and drag him to the kitchen. "Ouch, it hurts, please!" He cried, but the person didn't care.

He was dropped to the floor and felt a slap on his face, a burning sensation. He put his hand on his cheek and looked at his father in disbelief. His dad only looked into his eyes. "Cook for me Jake- no wait- Jason. Ugh, I don't care. Your mom passed out and now I have nothing to eat." Jay stood up, not caring that his father couldn't get his name right, because he never did.

Jay moved to the fridge and took out some eggs, then he sliced a bread into slices and made fried eggs. Getting some butter out of the fridge a .nd cutting some cucumbers, he looked at his dad, who was sitting on the couch besides his mother and was watching TV.

'Oh how much I hate him. I want him to suffer and die in a pitch.'

The black-haired boy walked over to his dad and put the food infront of him, then walking to his room, without listening to what his father has to say.

He lays down on his bed and stares up at the ceiling, thinking about everything that has happened in the last few hours.

But there was only one thing he was thinking of the whole time and it was Jungwon. He remembered the boy's gorgeous smile and his cute dimples and felt himself starting to blush.

But then he remembered why he left the whole situation and he looked to the side. On his nightstand, there was a picture of him and his best friend. They were laughing and having a great time, bowling.

"Fuck Sunghoon, why did you have to leave?"

He started crying again, taking the picture in his hand, hugging it tightly. After a few minutes, he fell into a deep slumber.

1 Year later

Jungwon POV

"Jungwon, I love you"


"Jungwon, I will never leave you"

And as soon as she said that, she disappeared.

"Mom, where are you?"

Jungwon cried and plopped to the ground, letting darkness surround him.


"Fucking hell Jungwon. Wake the fuck up" A certain red-haired boy looked at him and flicked his forehead.

Jungwon slowly sat up in his bed, rubbing his forehead with his fingers. That dream again. He's been having it for months now. His mother disappearing.

"We have to go now or you'll get detention again!" Jungwon groaned, remembering the last time he got detention. "Yeah, no. Let's go Sunoo!"
He stood up, put on some comfortable pants and a shirt and started walking out of the room.

"Be quiet, my dad is still asleep." Jungwon whispered, not wanting to get into trouble. Sunoo just sassily rolled his eyes. "Your father is such an asshole. I mean, who would r4pe their-" Jungwon looked at Sunoo, furious. Why would he even mention that, infront of Jungwon too?

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" Sunoo put up his hands in defeat, mentally face-palming himself. "Just be quiet, will you?" They finally arrived at the door and walked out the house, to the bus stop.

As they approached it, they saw a certain black-haired boy waving at them. As soon as Sunoo spotted him, he ran up to him and gave him a big hug. "Ni-ki! It's so nice to finally see you again!"

Today is the first day of school after 6 weeks of holidays. Sunoo had been to the UK, while Riki had been in Spain and Jungwon? Jungwon was at home, getting scolded by his dad everyday.

Jungwon rolled his eyes as Ni-ki hugged Sunoo back and put his head into his neck, saying something, which made Sunoo blush. "Would you two just date already?" As soon as Jungwon said that, the taller boy flinched and pushed Sunoo away, letting out a forced laugh.

"I'm not gay, Jungwon." Jungwon raised his eyebrow at Riki. He has always said stuff like that to tease the two, but Ni-ki always took it so seriously. "It's not bad to be gay, you know that right?" Jungwon put his hands on Riki's shoulder, comforting him. "Of course, but I'm 100% straight."

At the corner of his eye, Jungwon could see Sunoo frowning a bit and it looked like he was about to cry. Jungwon knows that Sunoo has been crushing on their best friend for 4 months now, so he felt really bad for him and went to hug him.

As the bus arrived, they all got on and sat together. He put on his headphones and started listening to some music, as someone sat down infront of him. As he looked into his eyes, both of them dropped their mouth at the same time. Jungwon took off his headphones and the other boy did the same.




Ouhhh. They met ;)

Anyways, if you noticed any mistakes, make sure to tell me!

Have a nice day dear reader :)

With you until the end//JAYWON (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now