Chapter 5

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"Jake, who is Park Sunghoon?"

Jake shuffled in his seat and turned around to look at the younger, who looked curious but sad at the same time. "How? How do you know that name?" Jake questioned, suddenly feeling all the air leave his lungs. He held his breath, awaiting an answer.

"I met Jay hyung at the graveyard yesterday and he seemed like he was mourning someone, so I looked at the gravestone and saw that name carved into it." Jungwon explained, leaving out all the parts that made his heart flutter and his breath quicken.

Jake didn't say anything for a few minutes, anyone could see that he was contemplating something. "It's fine. You don't have to-"

"He was a friend of me, Jay and Heeseung. He was also Jay's boyfriend." Jungwon looked down at his hands fumbling with his shirt. "Was?" He stuttered, too shy to look at the older's face.

"He died 2 years ago. He killed himself." Jake said, whispering the last sentence, putting a hand to his forehead and leaning on it. Jungwon's head shot up and he put his hand on his ex-boyfriend's shoulder. Jake only looked up at him and carefully pushed his hand away. "Don't worry about me, I got over it already. I'm really worried about Jay though...He still can't accept his death."

Jungwon sighed a bit, he wanted to say something, but he suddenly heard a voice say "Next stop: DN-High". Jungwon was so deep in thought that he didn't notice, but Jake pinched his cheek and chuckled a bit. "Just forget it. This is your stop."

Jungwon hestitated and quickly pulled out a note, wrote something on it and took Jake's hand. The older looked confused and blushed a bit, when he saw Jungwon put something in his hand and close it. Then, the younger walked out, leaving Jake confused.

As the bus started moving again, Jake opened his hand, taking the note and reading it, a smile slowly creeping up on his face, when someone snatched it away.

"Oohh? You got someone's number? Damnn Jakee" Heeseung said, laughing. Jake just snatched the note from Lee Heeseung's hand and crumbled it, stuffing it in his pocket. "No, nothing important." Jake said, frowning a bit and pulling Heeseung down to sit next to him.

Heeseung looked confused, you could say. "Are you okay?"

'No, I am confused about my feelings, because I really like you, but Jungwon is so nice to me suddenly and even gave me his phone number. I don't know what to do'

That's what he desperately wanted to say.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Heeseung noticed that something wasn't quite right, but he decided to not push further and leave it at that.


"3,2,1.." And that's when the bell to signal the end of the school day rang. Jungwon sighed in relief and began packing his bag, when the teacher suddenly started to say something. "Oh, right guys, I forgot! There's gonna be a talent show with our partner school: Enha-high in a few weeks! I want everybody to prepare something. The contestants will be chosen randomly, unless you want to do it voluntarily. Have a nice day!"

Jungwon picked up his bag and as he walked out of his classroom, he felt his phone vibrate and took it out of his pocket. He clicked on the message and decided to text back.

Hi Jungwon!

Who are you??

Oh! It's me, Jake.
You gave me your phone
number so I thought you
wanted me to text you!

Oh! I see!
I just wanted to know what
Jay's address is, so I can visit

With you until the end//JAYWON (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now