Chapter 8

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Clocks ticking, doctors shuffling around the rooms, loud talking and Jay sitting infront of a room, watching and hearing all these things, while his mom lies behind a door, far away from him.

Jungwon put a hand on his shoulder and turned Jay around, so he was looking at the younger of the two. "Jay, she'll be fine, okay?" Jay looked at Jungwon, eyes full of pain and sorrow. He put his arms around his waist and pulled him closer, laying his head into the younger's neck.

"I don't think she will, Jungwon. What if not? What if she dies?"

Jay let the tears fall, again.

'Why am I so weak? I am so pathetic, crying infront of someone who has his own problems to deal with. He doesn't even care. I am such an attention seeker.'

The other just put his hands around Jay's head and started patting it to calm him down. He lightly pushed him forward, so that they were looking at eachother now. He put both his hands on the sides of Jay's face and pulled his face up to look at him. He lightly rubbed circles over the other's cheek. "She won't. The doctors said it's not too serious. Just calm down, ok?"

Jay couldn't help it and pulled the younger in for a kiss. It was short, but full of emotions and love. Jungwon smiled into the kiss and after 20 minutes, Jay was sleeping peacefully on a couch in the waiting room. Jungwon gave him a kiss on the forehead and went to get a drink from the vending machine.

"Doc, I don't think she's gonna make it."

"Keep trying, that poor kid out there really needs his mother."

"Ok sir, we will, but it's not looking good for her."

He dropped his drink, that he had just gotten as he sneaked around the corner to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"She had a heart attack, which was caused by too much stress, sir. The only thing we can try is to put her in a coma."

"Fine, we're gonna do that then."

He quickly hid behind a wall when the doctors quickly rushed past him. Jungwon wanted to tell Jay everything, but he thought it would be better to never tell him what they said. He could tell him about the coma, but not about her actual state, because he would break. Jungwon knew he would.


"Mr. Park Jongseong, wake up."

Jay slowly opened his eyes and looked around for Jungwon, not finding him, but a doctor in front of him. He immediately shot up from his seat. "What about her? Is she fine?" The doctor just sighed and told Jay to follow him. They walked into a room, an office of some sort and sat down.

"Your mother will be put in a coma."

Jay froze.


The doctor sighed again and picked up his glasses, putting them on and looking at a folder of some sort.

"She had a heart attack."

Jay didn't realize the tears that were escaping his eyes, before one fell down onto his hand. He quickly wiped them away.

"But, she will survive, right?"



Silence again. Before the doctor spoke.



Jay was walking out of the hospital after two hours of searching for Jungwon.

'Where is he? He's not even answering my calls.'

Jungwon on the other side, was at home, getting glasses and plates thrown at him, but they never hit him, because he ducks at the right time. After he heard the conversation of the two doctors, he had looked at his phone and realized, that he was already 2 hours late.

His dad came over to him and gave him a hard slap on his face, before putting a kiss on it and wiping it softly. "I'm sorry my Jungwonie. I was just so worried...You know what your mother did, I thought you did the same."

"I'm here now dad." Jungwon said as he started to walk towards his room, trying to escape, but suddenly, he felt a harsh grip on his wrist. "Promise me that you will never leave me like your mom did."

Jungwon looked at his father in disbelief and furrowed his eyebrows. The grip on his wrist got stronger. "Promise."

Jungwon tried to pull away and felt the stinging sensation in his arm. "Dad stop, you're hurting me. Please!"

Before his dad could say anything else, there was a knock on the door. His dad let go of him and pointed to the door, indicating that Jungwon should see who it is.

Jungwon opened the door and was surprised to see Jay with puffy cheeks and eyes standing in front of his door. Jungwon quickly looked behind him and pushed Jay out of the door, closing it behind him. "What are you doing here?!" He whisper-screamed.

"I was-"

"PSHT! Whisper please."

Jay only looked at him weirdly and continued his sentence, this time whispering.

"I was worried, because you were gone suddenly."

Suddenly, Jungwon felt a rain drop on his face.

"I have to tell you something." Jay smiled, ignoring the rain drops.

"Make it quick, it's gonna rain soon."

Jay pulled Jungwon into a hug first and then put his hands on his face. He looked straight into his eyes and studied them as if he was looking at the galaxy.

"Yang Jungwon, you are so fucking beautiful. You are perfect. You manage to always lighten my mood-"

More rain drops were starting to fall, as Jungwon looked up in panic only to feel Jay pulling down his head again.

"I just like you so much Jungwonie."

Jungwon smiled at the older's words. The rain suddenly started to heavily pour and both of them were drenched, but Jungwon closed the distance between them and kissed Jay passionately. Jay poked Jungwon's side, which brought the younger to opening his mouth. Jay slipped his tongue inside and bit the other's lip gently. As they parted, Jay looked at Jungwon with stars in his eyes.

The younger had pink swollen lips and smiled at Jay. When they finally realized how hard the rain was pouring, Jungwon invited Jay inside.




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