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Charlie was panicking.

After going through her financial situation, she had started to worry about money and how long she would be able to work before maternity leave. And more importantly, what to do after it ended.

Despite the fact that she had just started working, there had already been days when she had to call her boss to inform about her absence. Many times even getting up from the bed took too much energy or she had been throwing up almost non-stop.

The maternity leave wouldn't start for months and she had promised herself to continue work as long as possible to earn more money before the baby was born.

She had taken everything into account and counted that she could possibly need an another job to support both girls and herself. That meant that if she wasn't at the tattoo shop, she would be working somewhere else, maybe waitressing or cleaning.

And that meant seeing her children even less. Soon they would probably live with her parents when they weren't at the daycare because she would be working nonstop.

Oh god, she would have to put her newborn baby in a daycare this young! She had almost started to cry at the realization but the fact was that as a single mother, there was no other choice. It's not like she could take the baby to work with her.

Once again Charlie cursed Mason for putting them in this situation and for realizing that he didn't want to be a father only after getting her pregnant twice. Of course she loved her children to the moon and back but she couldn't deny that this was even more stressful than she had first assumed.

The fact that they hadn't talked at all since their break up really showed volumes of what kind of man he was. Not once had he called and asked about Aurora and the baby, his own children. What did it say that Asher was more concerned than he was?

Hell, even Fabian had started to show signs of worrying when he had asked about her sleeping. But nothing from their father. That was low, even for Mason.

She would prove that unlike he had screamed at her, she wouldn't need him and that she could, in fact, do this without him. If he didn't care even to call then he was as good as dead to her.

At least he could now sleep with as many women as he wanted without feeling guilty because that had always been his priority, not her or Aurora. It was proven when he found out about the pregnancy and his first reaction was to say, "I didn't even want that one!" meaning their first daughter.

Did he even remember that he had children or had Mason completely forgotten them? Out of sight, out of mind? Either way, if he didn't care to even call then Charlie sure as hell wouldn't give him updates about the baby or Aurora.

"What are you thinking about?" Asher asked from the couch. Aurora was watching cartoons on his lap while Charlie did the laundry.

"Mason." His wide smile and soft eyes turned into hatred in a second which was hilarious because he had never even met the man. But he had heard stories from her.

"Why?" He hugged her daughter tightly as if protecting her even from Mason's name.

"Just thinking of how he hasn't called even once to check up on Rory or the baby," she explained although this wasn't the first time she had mentioned this to Asher.

"He's a fucking dickhead, you don't need him!" Realizing what words he had chosen, he looked at Aurora with wide eyes. Shaking his head at her, he then pointed at the television as if to distract her from learning those words which didn't work because the blonde girl kept staring at Asher.

"I know but I just hate this for them. They deserve a loving Dad," Charlie frowned, putting her hands on her growing stomach.

"Well, if it helps at all then at least they have an uncle Ash!" Somehow he always knew what to say to make her feel better even when she was feeling down.

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