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Bored out of his mind, Fabian tried to keep down the yawn that was about to leave his mouth while listening as his employee continued to talk more and more. Didn't they ever run out of things to speak about?

After his sixty-three years old father retired last year, he became the new CEO who was in charge of all seven Murphy hotels that their family owned.

It wasn't exactly a surprise since he had been prepared to take over for years. The position of the new CEO was always going to go to the eldest son but even if he wasn't one, neither of his brothers had any interest in the business.

Now he was still trying to get the employees to respect him as they did his father but it was easier said than done. Apparently, many here thought that he was nothing but a spoiled child who knew nothing of how to ruin the company despite the fact that his father had taught him everything himself.

Because he got the job due to his father's retirement, everyone assumed that he didn't have to earn it as they all liked to remind him. But he could say, with all love and respect to his father, that he had even fresher ideas that they knew nothing about yet.

But it was 9.30pm on a Friday and this meeting had continued for hours. He was tired and hungry and all he wanted was to go home. But he also had plans for tonight that couldn't be rescheduled, that much he knew already.

If his fiancé hated anything, it was him canceling too late from something. But there were also many nice things about Nora that he liked. For example, she was very beautiful and friendly and had a nice sense of humor... sometimes.

"Mr. Murphy? Mr. Murphy, are you listening to me?" The same male voice woke him up from his thoughts and he blinked, seeing that all ten people were staring at him confused.

Mr. Murphy? That was his father.

"Of course, sounds good," hopefully I didn't miss any important details, "You know what? It's late, I'm sure you all have more important things to do than sit here with me. I think we have discussed most of the things and we can continue tomorrow. Let's go home. Good job everyone!"

When he got numerous wide smiles as an answer, he knew that he made the right decision. This wasn't what his father would have done since he was all about business and no fun. Fabian, however, was different. Unlike his father, he didn't want his employees to fear him, instead, he wanted them to feel appreciated and respected at work.

After seeing everyone leave home, he quickly did some last-minute work at his computer before leaving, saying good night to the security. Checking the clock, he noticed that it was 10pm which meant that he was almost three hours late.

Getting outside, he breathed the September weather while walking to his Mercedes. While driving, Fabian couldn't help but think about how much he would much rather go back to the hotel and sleep there alone after yet another thirteen hours at work.

It wasn't Nora's fault, though. Ever since his parents had introduced Leonora St. James as their friend's daughter, she had been nothing but nice and friendly. Maybe a bit demanding here and there. Still, when his parents had talked about proposing to her, he understood that it was more of a command than a suggestion. So he did it.

He couldn't say that he loved her yet or had any other deep feelings for her because honestly? He didn't really believe in love. Yes, people could have strong feelings but that didn't mean that they loved each other and wanted to spend the rest of their lives together et cetera. They just thought that they did. It always ended one or way another.

When he got home that was always very clean thanks to his housekeeper, Nora was already there on the couch, watching television without even glancing at him. "I'm so sorry," he apologized and rushed to kiss her to the lips.

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