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"Here comes the airplane!"

Frowning, her daughter looked away from the spoon and kept her mouth closed, making it even more challenging to feed her.

At fourteen months old, Aurora had one hell of a temper already which she wasn't too shy to show everyone, including strangers from grocery stores, parks, doctors, and pretty much everywhere they went together.

People loved to tell her how to raise her children, especially because she was still quite young as if they had any idea what was going on in her life. She was very well aware that if she was a man then she would get praised for even going outside with a baby.

It didn't need much for her to start screaming and crying, not because Charlie did anything harmful but because sometimes that little miss drama queen just simply wanted attention. A few times she had even faked crying or at least it had looked like it.

"You excited to be a big sister?" she asked, poking her tiny nose.

For a while, she waited for an answer because she was still learning to talk. A few weeks after her first birthday, Aurora learned to say mama and after that came other short, easy words such as a dog or pappa or gamma, meaning Charlie's parents. Still no Dada, though.

"No Mama!" It was hard to tell if she was answering her question about the baby or if she was still trying to stop Charlie from feeding her.

"Give her to me and finish your food before it gets cold!" Her father Killian Idler took a seat next to Aurora, took the spoon in his hand, and started to feed his granddaughter.

Perhaps she should tell him no and that she could feed both Aurora and herself but she wasn't stupid enough to deny help when she was starving. She couldn't be too stubborn or rely too much on herself when she was struggling to get by almost every day.

It had been two days since Charlie told Mason about her pregnancy and her first reaction was to drive to her parents which was exactly what she did. As always, they welcomed her with open arms and held her when she sobbed while explaining the reason she needed a place to stay.

During this weekend, they helped her to relax and sleep more than she had done in a long time while taking care of Aurora. It had been long since she had gotten time to just relax and have some time for herself that for a while Charlie had almost wondered how to do it.

Today was Monday which meant that it was finally time to start doing something for herself and more importantly, for her children and their future.

There were three things on her to-do list: first, she had to find a job, hopefully from some tattoo shop but as a new single mother she would do anything. Because the old apartment was rented with Mason's name, she had to find a new home that she could afford which wasn't a lot.

Lastly, she would have to drive to her old home to get the rest of their clothes, toys, and everything else. Her father had insisted on coming with her to either beat Mason up or carry the luggage while Charlie's mother would babysit Aurora.

"Doesn't she like the food? We have something else in the fridge if she's not used to eating that yet," Ruth Idler suggested while putting the dirty dishes in the dishwasher before coming to sit in the table with the three of them, or more like four.

Unlike Charlie, who was originally blonde with her mother and Aurora, his father had short, darker hair that had some grey in it and black glasses on his nose. While her mother was quite short, Charlie got her height from his father and she was already 5'9 feet tall without heels. She had also gotten her green eyes from him.

They were still working, her mother as a copywriter and his father as a dentist. That was where they had met and it was the least romantic story about how he fixed her teeth but it had something to do with him staring deep into her eyes or something like that.

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