𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐮𝐧

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"There's no penis!"

Mouth wide open from the shock, Charlie could only stare at the screen while Mary continued proving all of her thoughts wrong.

Ever since she found out about the pregnancy in the sixth week, she had had a strong feeling about a boy and it had only gotten stronger and stronger each week. It wasn't that she would be disappointed with a girl but all this time she was sure about a baby boy.

Today, four months after that, they were finally able to see the gender at the ultrasound which she had been waiting impatiently. She didn't bother waiting for it to be a surprise at the birth when she was pregnant with Aurora and she knew that she wouldn't be able to wait with this one either.

Charlie had been wrong, it wasn't a boy but a girl! A second daughter! Maybe she was meant to be only a girl Mom and honestly? She loved it! Now that she was getting over the shock, a girl kind of made sense.

It felt almost natural as if she was always meant to have two young girls. For a second, Charlie felt almost foolish for evern thinking that the baby inside her could be a boy.

"It's a girl?" Charlie whispered with trembling lips, not being able to look away from the screen.

Mary nodded. "Yeah, she is a girl. Congratulations! She seems very healthy and she has grown a lot from your last visit. I can get some copies for you if you want. How many do you need?"

"I think three? One for me and two for my parents," Charlie answered unsurely. Mary nodded, smiling sympathetically because she knew that there was no father who needed one.

After the appointment, she called her mother Ruth immediately. Before she could even greet her, Charlie blurted out the news. "It's a girl, Mom! A girl! You're getting another granddaughter!"

Her mother made some kind of voice that was a mix of crying and screaming in joy. "I knew it! Killian, come here! Charlie just came from the ultrasound and guess what? It's a girl!"

Then her father came to the phone, just as happy as his wife of thirty years. "I'm so happy for you, sweetheart! Oh, I can't wait to meet the little princess and spoil her rotten!'

"As if you're not already doing it with Rory. Anyway, I can't talk much longer because I don't want to talk while driving. I'm going straight to work from here. You're still good with getting Rory from the daycare and keeping her until I get her?"

After starting at the tattoo shop, Charlie had done her best to get as many morning shifts as possible because the daycare was open only until 6pm and the evening shifts always ended at 8pm.

If she did have evening shifts, she had made an agreement with her parents that if possible, they would get from the daycare and stay with her until Charlie got out of work and got her from their home.

In the morning she would drop Aurora at the daycare again and the same continued until Charlie went back to morning shifts or her parents told her that they wouldn't help. That hadn't happened even once yet.

There had been a couple of times when all three of them had been at work but even then she found her savior in Asher. If not working, he had been more than happy to get Aurora from the daycare and stay with her until Charlie got her from his home.

She was incredibly lucky to have three people to help if needed, especially since Mason wasn't in the picture anymore. Still, she was certain that one day all of them would be unavailable which meant that in the end, it would be Charlie who would have to leave work and risk losing her job.

"I was thinking of working from home tomorrow so if you want, Aurora could stay the night. She wouldn't have to go to the daycare at all tomorrow," her mother asked oh, so kindly as if she and her father weren't always planning how to be with Aurora as much as possible. They were such lovely grandparents.

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