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He was going to kill Asher!

When he had called this morning and asked if Fabian had any extra time to help him with his taxes, he should have known better than believe, especially since he never had any struggles with doing his taxes.

But since he assumed that something was wrong and Fabian was quite good with this kind of work, he didn't mind taking an hour off from the work. That would have been true if all that talk about taxes were true.

The first doubt came almost immediately when Asher had requested him to make sure that he wouldn't need to go back to home for a few hours or maybe the whole day. A bit suspicious but it had only alarmed Fabian of the fact that something was really wrong with his taxes.

The next alarming thing happened when he walked into Asher's apartment with his spare key and saw Seth laying on the coach, scrolling his phone. When he saw Fabian, he put it away and groaned. "Finally, we've waited forever! Ash, let's go! Fabi's here!"

That was when he realized that his youngest brother wasn't probably talking about joining them to look at the taxes and that Asher had just lied to him.

"You're such a baby, Ash! You know I wouldn't come so you lie like a bitch! How did he get you here?" Fabian had frowned, looking at Seth who didn't seem all that angry to be here to do whatever Asher had in mind.

"He called and asked if I could help and I said yes. You know, because I'm not an asshole," Seth chuckled because he was oh, so funny and amusing.

"So, if we're not going through your taxes then why am I here?" he demanded to know while checking out the time from his phone, seeing that he had already spent over thirty minutes of his workday for absolutely nothing.

That's when Asher smiled innocently, knowing very well that what he was about to say would only piss him off even more. "We're helping a friend!"

By helping a friend, he meant going to shopping first to find an animal-designed wallpaper made for children. That made Fabian realize that it was most likely meant for one of Charlie's children if not both because although he liked children, she was the only one he knew who had any.

That was, unless he had knocked up one of his one-night-stands but even Asher wouldn't be that stupid and reckless about using protection.

His suspension turned out to be right when Asher drove them to Charlie's apartment and ignored as Fabian cursed him to hell. It was clear that putting on the wallpaper wasn't his only intention but he still continued being a matchmaker who didn't understand when he wasn't needed.

When Asher had noticed Fabian looking at his newest friend even if it had lasted only a second, Asher had wiggled his eyebrows when she wasn't looking. Fabian wondered if Charlie knew what was happening but for some reason, he doubted that.

Because of that, his actions annoyed him even more because as if that young woman didn't already have more than enough weight on her shoulders. She was a single mother of soon-to-be two, working hard and living in this, to put it kindly, risky neighborhood.

And yet Asher thought that she needed this? Even Fabian knew better and he wasn't exactly an expert with people or their feelings.

Although he didn't need Asher's permission to leave which he could have done any time he wanted, Fabian stayed there helping because you definitely needed three people to put on a wallpaper and even eat the dinner she had cooked.

For some reason, the thought of disappointing Charlie didn't sit well with him. That confused him because there was no reason he should care whether or not he hurt her feelings because he hardly even knew the woman!

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