This May Be Better

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Sianna's Pov

'Now that your eyes are clear you may be able to read this, I hope you feel more alive, I will be back shortly -M'



Crap, what am I supposed to do now? I will either die or get assaulted for not doing what he wants.

I sit up the best I can, I look around the room and I am correct I am not in a hospital room.

More like a guest room if I don't say. There was a floor-to-ceiling window and the floor was covered in a cream-colored carpet. A dresser with a built-in mirror sat on the wall before the bed.

I could see three doors in here one on each side of the dresser and one behind me next to the bed on my left.

I looked up at the mirror once more. In my reflection, I looked like I died, there were bandages wrapped around my head and a splint on my right wrist. I looked like it had been in a cast.

This room though is unfamiliar, it's nothing like the master's style. It's different, hmm so if it's not the master then who is M?

How long have I been sleeping for? It feels like I haven't moved my muscles in a while and I feel skinnier and frail.

I guess I'd have to wait for whoever M is, regardless I need to get out of here. I start my stationary stretches to get some juices flowing and make sure I stretch my legs well before I use them. When I stand I'm a little wobbly but with a couple more stretches I'll be somewhat okay to make it to the bathroom.

I held myself by the edge of the bed and then the wall and I opened the closest door to me, thankfully it was the bathroom. I held on to the counter and made my way to the toilet.

After I did my business I decided that a warm bath would help my now aching muscles. I locked the door and started the water in the tub, you could fit two or three people.

I stripped off the flimsy hospital gown and made sure the water was warm before I shut it off and got in. I could feel my body relax, I added soaps and scents to the water until it became bubbly and soapy.

I scrubbed till I felt clean again and when I was done I rinsed and got a towel from the warming rack. I dried myself and my hair and put a robe on from one of the hooks. It was big and it hung past my arms and almost down to the floor.

I secured it before walking out of the bathroom and to the closet.

I opened what I assumed to be the closet door and rows and rows of clothes were revealed when the door was fully open.

I picked out a T-shirt and some sweatpants I didn't see any undergarments but that's fine I guess.

I walked back into the room I felt tired again, I was setting myself up for a name and then a knock on the door made me freeze. I stayed quiet and stayed under the covers, I didn't know who was there, and my fear increased when the door opened and clicked shut.

"Miss I know you are awake, I have food for you." A female.

I threw the covers and looked at her, I hadn't seen her before, she must be new but again this might not be the Master's house.

Now this brings me to who's house am I in and am I their slave?

I don't want to have that type of life. I don't know how long I've been asleep for, or how much time has passed.

I looked at her, she was short with wrinkles by her eyes, a maid's attire with black flats, and gray hair that was wrapped into a neat bun.

She had a tray of food in her hand, eggs, toast, and a glass of water. I sat up on the bed taking the tray she handed to me. Everything smelled oh so good.

I hesitate, is this safe? She noticed my hesitation, placing her hand on mine, I looked up at her, and she smiled.

"It is ok dear it's safe," her broken English gave me warmth with her tone. She was about to leave but I called out to her;

"What's your name?"

"Ada." She said as she closed the door behind her, Ada.

That's a beautiful name, I look down at the tray on my lap. The eggs were really good, when I was done I placed the tray on the nightstand and picked up the glass of water taking it in one big gulp. That felt good and my tummy was full.

Once again the door opened right before I could lay down, this time it was not Ada who came in. It was a man, tall, with caramel skin and jet-black hair. He looks mysterious, yet there's a feeling that tells me to find out why.

His brows were at ease and his features were strong and sharp. He took a seat in a chair that sat by the closet door.

I sat up and just waited for him to speak. Who could he be, something tells me we have met before but I am not sure. Maybe I was dancing, or walking by somewhere.

I just can't shake the feeling. Hmmmm.

"I am glad to see you are conscious, I am M." He spoke. His voice is deep and husky, he seemed older but at that same time, he was still very young.

"S," I whispered.

A deep chuckle came from his chest at my response. I looked at him with my head to the side, since we are on a first-letter basis he is only going to get the first letter.

Petty I know.

"What is your name?" He asked with no room for any childish play. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Sianna." He gave me a nod and leaned back on the chair, setting himself in a comfortable position.

"Well, Sianna, what is the last thing you remember?"

I close my eyes and think, that the last thing I remember was working at the club and then the hospital room, then here.

"Umm, I was working at the club and then I woke up in a hospital room and now I'm here, who are you anyway?"

A dark smile flashed across his face for a split second before it disappeared.

"Massino Gambino."

That's the only thing he had to say and then it clicked.

"Mercy," I said.

I had danced here and there when his regular was out, his eyes went wide before he went into a fit of laughter.

The door opened and three men with guns came in, in a rush, he held his hand up making the men leave.

Once he sobered up he shook his head.

"Well Mercy, you are now in my debt. I was on my way out you see from the club and I found you beat to the pulp. You have been sleeping for about two and a half months," he paused,

"You had broken bones and needed a small surgery to stop internal bleeding."

What the actual fuck.

"Ok," was all I said simply because I already know how this works.

"Good, now I would like to know who did this to you, and why?"

I closed my eyes and tried thinking about the last night I worked, I was called in for a dance, and everything was normal. But it's like a space after that.

"All I remember is that I was told I had a dance in one of the privet rooms, I danced and everything was fine then it was blank."

"Hmmm, I will look into that. Get some rest I'll come back later so we can discuss how you will pay me back."

"Ok," I said.

With that, he nodded his head and left the room. A couple of seconds later the door opened and Ada came back to collect the tray on the night table.

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