The Meeting

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Sianna's Pov

"Let's go." His voice was deep and it sent a shiver down my spine. Why did the sudden mood change what did I do?

We got on the elevator and I turned so I was facing him, "What did I do?"


"Why are you angry all of a sudden?"

The doors opened before he could answer but this conversation wasn't over. I did nothing, Jesus.

We stepped out of the elevator and we marched straight to the meeting room. He pulled the door open just enough for him to slip through, oh I see.

I pulled the door open and I walked in with my chin in the air. Whoever the man was that had started the meeting stopped talking, I could feel everyone's eyes on me but the ones I felt the most were his.

I took this moment of silence as my introduction,

"Good morning everyone, my name is Sianna I am Mr.Gambino's new PA," I took my seat next to this handsome man, the meeting resumed and I took as many notes as I could that I believed would be helpful. When the man finished talking, Massino asked a couple of questions no one had the answer.

This was a very bad problem, Massino blew up and it ended in me dismissing everyone and shoving him into the elevator so we could go back to his office.

"You cannot blow up on your employees, Sino are you listening to me?" I snap once the door closes behind me.

In a matter of seconds, I was pressed against the door;

"You are my issue I can't seem to concentrate, you-you and this suit." He was grunting threw his teeth.

"I didn't like that little boy staring at you, I hope you took notes because I didn't hear a single thing."

My cheeks are hot and I'm still gaping like a fish. What?

He doesn't like men staring at me? Where is this coming from?

I passed him the notepad once he sat at his desk and I got myself together. If this suit and tie is a problem then the rest will get me in trouble... In a good way.


The drive home was quiet, and we went our separate ways when we reached our destination.

Where is this coming from? And now, and so soon? I mean it's been a couple of months now. But still, I don't want to play a game I know I'll be burned in.

I slipped out of my suit and hung it up in my closet. I decided to change into something flexible and I left for the main house. I went straight to the studio, plugged in my phone, and played my dancing track on shuffle.

I whipped the pole and began my stretches, once my body was warmed up, I felt good.

Moving around the pole I swung my body up, letting the air carry my weight. I danced on my fears, confusion, and now loss. I'm lost and don't know how to feel, so I moved to the power of my emotions. I danced till I dropped from the pole.

My leg shot in pain but nothing I couldn't handle, I inched to the wall and let my back rest. I didn't even know what time it was. It was still before dinner time when I came in.

With a sigh I stood and pushed myself off the wall, I walked to my phone to look at the time, 1:42 am.

Well, I missed dinner and I don't feel like driving back. I shut everything off grabbed my phone and headed upstairs to my room. I need sleep and comfort.

Maybe that's what I'm craving, comfort, what I always wanted. I just want to be free, I want to be wanted.

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