P. Motherfucking A.

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Sianna's Pov

Day two of waking up in his arms, as comfy as I am, I can't get attached to him. Or this lifestyle;

I untangled myself and started my newfound routine, after my shower I came out and found my clothes on the now-made bed. Sino walked out of the closet, in a crispy night blue suit.

My suit and skirt matched his suit, huh, would you look at that my husband seems to like matching our clothes.

I took the clothes and walked back to the bathroom, once I had all my clothes on I let my hair down. It was wavy from being in a bun all night.

I walked out and slipped into the stilettos by the bed. I looked at Sino, sharp, and as our new normal, matching.


He gave me a short nod and out the door we went to start our day.


"I need you to make copies of all of these documents, they're going to be ten people total who will be present," Sino spoke up from his computer. I went to get the copies and made my way to the printer.

I set the presentations in folders and I went over everything. By the time I finished, I had a question I wanted to answer too.

"Sino, I'm done, also I have a lot of questions about this, I just want to be prepared," I said walking into his office. We sat for about an hour going over everything I needed to know. I prepared my notepad and pen and followed Sino to the boardroom. Everyone was already seated. He began as soon as I started handing out the folders to all the men sitting in the room.

I took my seat when I was done, taking my notes out I began to tune into the meeting.

Many gave a spectacle look, from the whispers around the office.... Well, let's just say Mr.Gambino has never had a P.A. before let alone a girlfriend, now wife.

First time for everything!

"So what does that have to do with the fact that six million dollars are missing from the company funds?"

What? I didn't see this in the report. I look at Sino and something tells me he did this on purpose. I took my notes, but no one answered and the tension was growing thicker by the second.

"Y'all might want to answer," I said


"I know everyone here heard her. She was quite clear." His voice thundered through the room and he wasn't even yelling.

All the men squirmed in their seats, and then one pushed his glasses up his nose and squeaked out a response.

"Sir, Um Luis is in charge of finances and we haven't seen him since last week."

Sino got up from his chair and walked out of the office, I followed but he stopped me when the doors closed behind me.

"Go back in there and give them the layout that we went over, and when your done baby girl, tell them they have one fucking week to find Luis before I find Luis and they know what I mean." I gave him a small nod and turned to make my make back into the room.

Everyone was getting up, but I made my way to the board.

"Everyone please take a seat." Half of the men sat the other half continued out the door, I didn't care it wasn't my job on the line.

"Leave and you might as well go home," I said.

"Now, for those that value your job listen up, you have one week to get the charts back up, in the folders I handed out is a game plan and all the things that need to be turned in at the end of each work day."

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