The Ball In The Maze

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Sianna's Pov

People entered the maze as we walked towards the entrance, fairy lights dangled from the leaves on the side of the walls.

It made the scenery look magical. It's truly beautiful.

We walked farther into the made and soft music could be heard from the center.

I wonder why he would take me to a ball out of all places to get a 'feel' of what things would be like?

The people around us were dressed to perfection, from full ball gowns to floor-length dresses, everyone was dressed elegantly. The women had their hair styled and their makeup done to match their dates.

It kinda made me feel like I didn't fit in like I was out of place with my air-dried curls and makeup-free face. Massino looked like he fit in well, he stood straight and tall, making his power known.

I caught some staring and most didn't pay attention because they were in their world.

But those that do look stare in either disapproval or awe, but others I can't tell. Some whisper others don't, I am pulled from my thoughts when a warm hand touches my arm.

I look up to see Massino, his brows are scrunched up together.

"Are you ok? I've been talking to you but you were far in your head."


"I-I'm sorry I won't do it again."

I didn't mean to space out, it made me freak out a little, and it took me back to the beatings. I looked down at my feet with the fear in me that I would be scolded in public.

"It's fine, I was just saying to stay by my side, as beautiful as everything seems it's not all that safe."

I nodded my head, and we continued on the path toward the center. It felt like I was in a fairy tale. We finally reached the center of the maze, there were many tables but no chairs.

Interesting.... So I have to be on my feet the entire time. Great.

We continued walking, so far there was a platform decorated with blue flowers, white ribbons, and deep blue bows. We reached the other side of the center, I thought he was going to stay there but we began walking back. I scrunched my brows in confusion, where are we going now?

I follow where he guides me and we end up close to the entrance we came from and in one of the back tables. All that walking for what? I can't even sit down.

I look around and I see that many of the women here have no ring and many look like they are just here for the night.

"What did you see?" Massino asks'


My gaze snaps to his face, "What did I see?"

He nods his head, "Well many of the women here don't have any sort of status, the ones that don't look like they are here just for tonight.

He hums a low approval. I go back to looking around and occasionally answer questions he throws at me.

I can tell he is trying to figure me out, trying to see what I know, what I can do.

After about an hour a man stepped on the platform. Someone handed him a microphone as he climbed up the stage, tapping it twice and then speaking into the mic again.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, how is everyone doing?"

"Good" the crown chimes in unison.

"That's great, I hope everyone has been enjoying their time so far,"

The man kept speaking, he was tall, well-built in muscle, and with sandy blond hair.

"Who is that?" Massino drew his attention to me,

"That is Kingston the king of all mafia" he quietly said returning his attention to the king.

I nodded my head and got lost in my thoughts once more.

This is different, nothing like I thought it would be. Pain, torture, and discipline, but I was wrong, I have been treated like one of their own. I was set to get myself killed but now I think my future was set for me in one beating. I may be giving away a year or two of my life, but I have the rest of my life to make up for the time lost.

Looking around, Kingston is headed our way and I didn't even notice that he had stopped talking and walked completely off the platform. I straightened up, focused on the upcoming conversation, Kingston is just as tall as Massino, but not as built. He has blond hair, bright green eyes, and fair skin. He is handsome and the way he carries himself shows respect, power, and authority, in other words, fuck with me and find out.

"Bonjour, hope you are enjoying your evening," his voice deep and masculine.

"Kingston" Massino greets, that's well I don't know what that is.

"And who is the beauty that showed up with the beast tonight?"

Massino scoffed and looked at me for me to answer.

"My name is Sianna"

Kingston's eye widened for a second before he regained his composure. What's that about?

"Nice to meet you Sianna, and how did you end up with Mr.Grumpy over here?"

"I almost died and I woke up at his house," I said.

His face once again filled with emotions before they were masked like before.

What does he know? I will find out, I focus back on the man in front of me.

"So Sianna how old are you?"

"17 I turn 18 in February."

"Hmmm well pleasure to meet you Sianna, we will meet again." With that, he walked off to greet other people around the massive square. The maze has now filled and there are more people than before.

I felt my hand being tugged, I turned to see Massino holding it and about to walk somewhere. I follow with our hands still glued together. We were now in the middle of the dance floor.

"You could've asked," I say

"Where would the fun in that be?" He muses.

I blink at him and all I am told is to follow his lead. It's not hard but I was a stripper, not a ballroom dancer.

"May I ask why we are the only ones dancing?" I whisper as I look around the dance floor.

A dark chuckle leaves his lips as he spins me around and I end up back face to face with the infamous Gambino.

"Because I'm showing the world, my queen," with a chance to respond or a warning for what was coming, he kissed me in the middle of the dance floor for the entire mafia world to know I would be the Italian queen.

I didn't think it was happening this fast but it's not like I have a say anyways, right?

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