Chapter 1

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"Breaks over. Back to work."

Lisa nearly shuddered from disgust with her co-worker's annoying voice. It was too high and too bratty. Just hearing it had Lisa take another deep puff from her cigarette that was pinched between her fingers.

She closed her eyes and pressed the back of her head against the dirty brick wall behind her, holding her breath and letting the nicotine spread through her and push away her stress. The taste was fulfilling.

Lisa opened her eyes and exhaled slowly. She watched the smoke dance in front of her like a beautiful art piece till it dissolved in the air before tossing the cigarette to the floor and stepping on it with a frown.

"Back to work," Lisa quietly repeated. She tightened her ponytail and walked back into the building where she entered a rowdy kitchen.

"Bus girl." Lisa followed the voice with an annoyed look towards the Manager and nearly scowled as the bratty woman threw a dirty rag almost hitting her square in the face. But Lisa, as skilled as she was with avoiding problems, snatched it silently.

The manager clenched her jaw with a tight lip smile, "There's a table needing to be cleared. Get to it."

Lisa simply nodded before taking a black bin, the rag and the Kleenex spray bottle and walked through the doors out to the dining area.

She had worked as a busser for almost two years now and was used to the treatments of her co-workers and customers. She was used to the eyes that belittled her as she cleaned tables and wiped seats. So she grew to be unbothered by all because she was not there for them. She was there for herself.

Lisa had been saving money to find a new place to live. But, with the money going straight to her bills, she barely had enough to grocery shop at times. She just had to make do with her shabby apartment.


Lisa smiled. She knew that voice. She turned around and noticed her friend Jisoo seated on one of the tables, waving at her. She didn't recognize the girl in front of her but she paid no mind to it.

Lisa brushed a few strands of her black hair behind her ear and draped the rag over her shoulder. She almost felt embarrassed with how dirty she looked with her dirt stained white t-shirt along with her jeans, knowing she had just worn those the other day but hey, they didn't smell. Nonetheless, she walked over happily.

"What're you doing here richie rich? You don't usually hang out in this part of the neighborhood." Lisa teased. Jisoo and her met in high school. They were best friends but Jisoo left to go to a pristine college while Lisa... well... you already know.

Jisoo narrowed her eyes, "Stop calling me that Lali." But how could she not? Especially when the girl looked as polished as a porcelain doll with her branded outfits and purse. Dior. "We were passing by the neighborhood to go to an event and I wanted to say hi."

Lisa raised a brow and turned her attention to the brunette across from her friend, "We?"

And when the brunette locked her eyes with Lisa, she could feel her body grow stock still. She was beautiful. Her brown hair was softly curled and pushed back to show just how perfect her features were. Her eyes were brown and sharp, they looked brilliant. And when the corner of her lips lifted, Lisa knew she was doomed.

"I'm Jennie, Jisoos cousin," her voice was sultry, "Nice to meet you." She reached her hand forward and Lisa didn't want to touch such clean skin or her perfectly manicured nails. But she also didn't want to seem rude so she discreetly wiped her hand on the side of her pants before accepting her handshake and fighting back a squeal with how soft her hands were.

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Lisa."

Jennie's eyes sparkled and her smile widened, her perfectly white teeth peaking before both removed their hands off of each other. Lisa quickly crossed her arms and smiled politely in return before clearing her throat and looking back at Jisoo, her expression neutral as if the woman who was studying her was not affecting her in any way. Nope. Not at all.

"How long will you be in the area for?" Lisa asked. Jisoo took a sip of her coffee before placing the mug down and glancing at Jennie,

"I think we'll be here for only an hour or so? What time are you off work?" She looked back at Lisa with hope. She had missed her friend but recently Lisa had been getting harder and harder to reach. She was either always busy at work or sleeping because of how tired she was from work. Jisoo had tried plenty of times in offering her some money but Lisa refused.

Lisa looked at her watch and smiled sadly, "Not for another three hours. I'm sorry." Jisoo frowned for a moment before shaking her head and smiling understandingly.

"It's okay. Mayb—."

"We can wait."

Jisoo and Lisa glanced at Jennie who was casually drinking her iced coffee. She wasn't looking at any of them, just taking a glance at the menu. That dirty, greasy menu had no reason to be in the hands of such goddess, Lisa thought to herself. But that was when she noticed a bright, beautiful ring on her finger.

Oh, she was engaged. Not like it bothered Lisa too much. She barely knew the girl.

"We can?" Jisoo asked excitedly like a child being told she was going to Disneyland. Jennie giggled, placing the menu down and nodding at her cousin.

"Yes. I can postpone dinner with Tae a little later. I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

Jisoo looked up at Lisa, "Then it's settled. We will wait for you here." Lisa widened her eyes,

"You guys don't have to do that." She would feel embarrassed to be cleaning in front of them for three hours, which is what she really wanted to say so she opted in another solution,

"How about this," she reached into her back pocket and took out her keys. "Why don't you guys wait at my place? It's not luxurious in the slightest but it'll be more comfortable than waiting here in this place—."

"Bus girl!!"

Lisa flinched and turned around and met the sight of the managers annoyed expression and her finger pointing at the bin of cleaning supplies on top of a table.

"Move your ass and clean this up! We don't have all day!!" Lisa nodded quietly and watched as the manager rolled her eyes before marching back into the kitchen. Frustrated from being embarrassed in front of her best friend and a beautiful girl, Lisa smiled tightly towards them.

She found them glaring sharply towards the manager and Jennie scoffed and muttered, "Bitch," underneath her voice that Lisa nearly missed it.

"Like I said," Lisa slid off the rag from her shoulder, "Not comfortable in the slightest so please," she placed her house key in front of Jisoo, "Wait at my place, you know where it's at." Jisoo stared at the desperation in Lisa's eyes before sighing in defeat and taking her keys,

"Fine, we'll see you there."

Lisa may be embarrassed with the size of her place but she knew she always kept it nice and tidy. Just because her life felt like a mess doesn't mean her place should as well.

"See you," breathed out, watching as they left money on the table before taking their dior purse and Chanel purse. Lisa wondered how expensive they were but knew to never ask because she would only regret it. She then met Jennie's smile,

"You sure you don't want us to wait here. We really wouldn't mind it."

She's sweet.

Lisa grinned and shook her head, "I rather not have you guys witness the devil biting my head off."

Jennie sighed, "Definitely hard to watch the first time." Lisa tilted her head but smiled either way. Jennie smiled in return before waving and walking out. Jisoo met her eyes, a certain glint was in them but Lisa had no time to look because Jisoo had waved and followed Jennie out.

"Well," Lisa breathed out, "Back to work."

And as she was finishing her work day, she found herself looking forward to going home and learning more of Jisoos cousin.

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