Chapter 11

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Double update

Jennie had dropped her off after ice cream. She had to attend a meeting with her parents and Lisa was fine because she felt like she was on cloud 9. She texted Jisoo and her cousin hours ago about her promotion. Lisa was so damn happy.

And as she entered her apartment she gasped in surprise as body suddenly collided into her, hugging her close. She wasn't scared, however, because she immediately recognized the person.

"Congratulations Lis!!"

Lisa laughed, hugging back her cousin,

"Thank you Rosie." She pulled back with a wide smile, "What're you doing back? I thought you weren't visiting till the holidays?" Rosé stepped back smiling her excited smile she always had for her favorite cousin. She always was one of Lisa's best supporters.

"I actually landed yesterday and meant to surprise you on the weekend but after receiving that text of yours I just had to let you know I'm here." She squealed excitedly and jumped up, clapping her hands like a cute child, "I'm so damn happy for you!"

"Thanks Rosie. It means a lot to have you here." Lisa said, dropping her keys and taking off her shoes before stepping in and hugging her again. The day kept getting better and better.

"I'm happy to be back to celebrate with you." Rosé said, pulling away and plopping herself on the couch, patting the empty space beside her, "I also ordered some food so it should be on its way."

"Food for us or just you?" Lisa teased sitting beside her. Rosé playfully rolled her eyes. Her cousin was a beauty. Her face was kind and her eyes were shaped like almonds with a beautiful smile and straight teeth.

"Anyways," Rosé dragged, "So other than your promotion, what else is new?" She asked, grabbing the wine glasses she prepared on the coffee table then handing one to Lisa.

"Nothing much." Lisa responded, taking the glass and sipping it once. She thought back on the past month and there was one person that stood out the most, "Well, I did make a new friend." Rosé wiggled her brows,

"A new friend huh? What kind of friend?" Lisa rolled her eyes, nudging her knee,

"Just a friend." That statement was an annoying reminder. Rosé sighed and sipped her wine,

"Lame." She muttered. Lisa laughed,

"You'd like her. She's actually the reason I got promoted. And umm.." With her free hand, she rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly and avoided Rosé's questioning eyes.


Lisa cleared her throat and muttered the sentence with her face nearly inside the wine glass. Her voice echoing in the glass itself, "She owns the street entirely. So..."

Rosé gasped, "No way!! Did you get yourself a sugar mommy?"

Lisa choked on her wine causing her to enter a coughing fit as she placed the glass down on the table.


Rosé waved her off, leaning her back on the cushion, seeming to be so relaxed as she nodded, looking like she had all the answer, "No wonder you have a Chanel bathing suit. And a freaking Celine suit!"

Lisa dropped her jaw, "Wha— Have you been looking through my clothes?!"

Rosé continued, "I'm not going to lie. I almost thought you robbed a bank." She was practically talking to herself at this point. Lisa glared,

"I have the power to kick you out. You know that right?" Rosé giggled and shrugged,

"You wouldn't do that to your favorite relative." She even had the audacity to wink. Lisa sighed, melting to the couch and pouting while crossing her arms,

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