Chapter 10

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It was early in the morning when Lisa stood on her balcony, her arms resting on the medal railings with a cigarette pinched between her fingers. Before she wouldn't waste time inhaling the toxins, yet she hesitated. She didn't feel any ounce of stress.

Since Jennie, Lisa realized she had always looked forward to waking up because she knew she'd be talking to Jennie again. It made her feel excited. So, she placed the cigarette in her ash tray and began to make her way inside till she heard a honk from below.

And when she looked down, she laughed quietly to herself.

"What are you doing here?" Lisa yelled, not caring that it was too early to be shouting. Jennie had exited the car and stood by her door, smiling up at Lisa happily and shrugged. Lisa chuckled and motioned for her to come up.

"Coffee?" Lisa asked to which Jennie nodded while placing her round, black purse with a gold Chanel logo down on the counter. To Lisa, it looked like a bowling ball. She would've teased her but she felt flustered with how Jennie looked.

Her hair was wavy and she wore a white blazer dress with a golden belt holding it together, giving her an angelic look. Lisa was finding it hard to look away.

"Sure," Jennie said, before glancing over to Lisa's outfit and giggling, "Nice pajamas." Lisa looked down and blushed with dim embarrassment. She wore a blue matching set pajamas with baby ducks all over.

"It was a gift from my mom and I think I look adorable." She stated as a matter of factly while pouring coffee in a mug for Jennie. And as she slid it towards her, she met Jennie's soft smile. Her elbow was resting on the counter as her chin was pressed on her palm.

"Yes. You are absolutely adorable." Her voice was sincere and Lisa's heart went into a frenzy. Lisa coughed and looked away, bringing the mug up to her lips.

"So, anyway.." she took a sip and placed it down, praying that her heart would stop its abnormal rhythm, "Why are you here? You know I have to go to work right?"

"That's exactly why I'm here." Jennie stated happily, "I'm going to give you a ride to work." Lisa grinned and shook her head,

"You really don't have to."

"But I want to. Besides, I don't mind and it's not an inconvenience. Trust me." Lisa feigned a look of discomfort and regret,

"Ooo, sorry. I don't know if you've noticed but I have extreme trust issues." Jennie raised a brow, the corner of her lips lifting into a sly smirk,

"Oh do you now?"

Lisa nodded, sighing in utter defeat, "I do. It's crazy extreme."

"Sounds extreme."


They were quiet for a good moment before entering into a fit of giggles. Something about Jennie made her feel young and playful again. So, she smiled gratefully to Jennie,

"Thank you."

Jennie smiled in return and lifted her mug to clink it against Lisa's.


They finally pulled up in front of Lisa's hell hole in Jennie's black Range Rover. Lisa felt like a princess pulling up. She nearly laughed at the thought because if anyone looked like an actual princess it would be Jennie. She looked way too good as a driver though.

Lisa opened the door and smiled at Jennie,

"Thanks for the ride."

Jennie smiled in return, handing her her bag from the back seat,

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